Siena had put her house up for sale, as she and Harry agreed to move in together for the sake of her pregnancy and because they technically were always at Harry's place either in Los Angeles or London, they were always at his.
The two were now at IKEA to buy some new items for their house, they needed need anything in particular but Siena just felt like replacing some things in some rooms. And with no suprise to Harry, his girlfriend has ended up buying way too many candles.
"Baby, we've got so many candles already." He says in protest as Siena was about to put another one in the shopping cart, a he already saw the other seven candles.
She scrunches her nose at that comment, giving him a death glare. "Never enough candles, Styles." Siena points her finger at her boyfriend, she chuckles a bit as she saw him him holding his hands up in surrender.
The two walked further in the store, as Harry had allowed Siena to put her candles in the shopping cart, as long as she was happy he thought. "W'could look at the baby things, for the baby room?" Harry says quietly, to Siena so nobody around them would hear since they haven't announced it to the public.
"Y'wanna do that?" She asks him, to make sure she heard him right. She was just about two months pregnant, so there was a lot coming their way for the next months but Harry was prepared for the worst.
"F'course I wanna do that, would love to prepare a whole room for the little one." He smiles at Siena, who gave him a bigger smile in return. "Gonna spoil them for the rest of their lives." He teases his girlfriend, pressing a kiss to the side of her head as the two continue to walk through the store.
Harry smiled at the sight of Siena going through so many things for the baby room, adoring the sight of the pillows, the stuffed animals, the lamps, just everything warmed her heart. "Look at this." She pouts, holding up a stuffed koala bear. "Oh and this." She gasps as she found a grey blanket that had white stars on it.
The two slowly going through the baby things, until they saw the perfect crib for the baby. "This one's perfect." Harry says shocked, as he went to look closer at the crib, then reality hit him. His baby is going to be laying in one of these cribs in seven months. He slowly wrapped his arms around Siena's waist, leaning his chin on her shoulder.
"Want this one f'bubba." Siena quietly says, knowing Harry had heard her and was thinking the same thing.
"M'too." He sighs contently. "Let's get it delivered, it's not gonna fit in m'car." Harry chuckles, pointing to their shopping cart that was fully filled with stuff, Siena just gave him a guilty look in respons.