Siena was at the doctors office, for a Covid test and to check on the baby. She got scared as Harry got the virus, and all she wanted was to keep the baby healthy, so she found herself worrying a lot. Harry had multiple times told her he'd stay in the guest bedroom, for as long as he has to, but Siena just couldn't do that to him.
"The baby is okay." The doctor told her, Siena sighs contently. "You will get the results of your Covid test, tomorrow, so until then just try to stay inside and not get contact with anyone." He told the blonde, as she pulled her shirt back down after wiping the gel from the upcoming baby bump.
"Also try to keep a safe distance between you and your partner, to keep the baby safe." He smiled as he wrote some notes in the system on the computer, Siena nods and hums in agreement.
Siena slowly stands up from the chair, grabbing her jacket, before saying goodbye to the doctor who gave her a big smile in return, wishing her well.
As she got back to her car, she sat there for a second, letting out a sigh. Her mind all over the place, as she didn't know what to do next, the obvious thing was to go home, but she didn't want to. At home she would've just been alone, as Harry was in the guestroom and she would be sat in the master bedroom.
"Rudy?" She whispers, as she had pressed his contact to call him, to which he immediately picked up. He hums in repons, probably being busy with something. "Uh- so H has caught Covid, and I just gotten back from the doctor."
"Oh, s'everything alright?" He asks worriedly, Siena knew he probably stopped whatever he was doing to listen to her problem.
"Yea- I just need some things from the grocery store but I can't really go anywhere until I knew m'results." She breathes out. "If it's not a bother, would y'mind going by the store f'me?" Siena asked her best friend nicely.
"F'course, I'll go in about thirty.. text me what y'need and I'll bring it. It's no bother." He chuckles a bit, making Siena smile as she could relax a bit and not start stressing about having no food at home.
"Thank you, Rudy. Y're a lifesaver." She smiles, while starting her car to drive home. Now she just worried about talking to Harry, about keeping distance for the next week. She does hate that she won't be able to take care of him, as he's sick, but the pregnancy makes it hard for them.
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