Clubbing With Criminals

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When they stepped into the club, the first thing that hit Rin was the noise.

     It was so much louder than she'd expected, the music blaring through speakers drilled to the wooden walls. The hefty machines seemed to vibrate the very air with the soundwaves that they produced. The second thing she noticed was how much technology was incorporated into the place. It was clearly a newer building, as it had all the fixings of the modern craze.

     The lights were electric, and as Rin looked, she noticed only one was actually on. It was being reflected off of a mirror, which reflected the light onto another, and then scattered the light further from there, illuminating the entire room with a sort of ethereal effect.

     It was pretty cool honestly, not at all what Rin had expected. She'd been expecting some shady building or something like that, but this was actually really awesome. It was also a little overwhelming, the music blaring, the cacophony of glasses clinking and people talking... she wished she could turn off her hearing.

     Romeo had entered first, Remus had come in for his shift, and Sebastian had entered shortly after Romeo. Rin had been the last to enter, which had been her choice. She had wanted time to collect herself, to remind herself that using the birds of prey to send messages to Estella was no longer really an option.

     She'd have to just hope Estella was okay.

     She's with... Landon... Rin tried to reassure herself with that thought, but she really didn't know Landon well enough to properly judge his character. Estella seemed convinced he was good, but Rin wasn't so sure. It just felt too quick to know for sure. And how could they even be sure the Shadows were good?

     It was difficult to judge someone's character when you hadn't really had time to process the last few days. It had been such a rush of action, such a chaotic series of events. It felt like their night out with Gerald and Tina had been weeks ago, but it had only been a little over a day. It was... crazy.

     Rin pushed the thoughts aside as she walked further into the room. She wasn't really sure what to do with herself without Estella. Who was she going to talk to? Who was she going to hang out with?

     "Hey there, stranger." Rin looked up at the voice, and then instantly forgot about her earlier mental complaints about this place.

     Ophelia was standing there looking absolutely ravishing.

     Her beautiful ginger hair was falling in luxurious curls, left loose except for a golden pin to keep her hair out of her eyes. Her dress was rather flattering, a rich dark green with gold leaf patterns on the bodice and down the skirts as well. The skirt was relatively long, down to a little past Ophelia's knees, and she honestly just... looked absolutely stunning.

     Rin realised she'd been staring and blushed, "Hey there." Rin greeted after a pause, "What brings you here?" Rin was genuinely curious. Had Ophelia been sent on the mission as well? Or was she just out here for a night of fun?

     "I'm here with some friends!" Ophelia replied, gesturing to a group of three people dancing together. One was a woman around Rin's height, with short strawberry blonde hair and a slight frame. Another was a strange, tall blonde guy with a thin build, and the other was Alister. They all seemed to be having fun. "What brings you here?" Ophelia asked.

     "I uh..." Rin actually wasn't sure whether or not she was supposed to tell Ophelia why she was there. She scrambled for an excuse, her mind blanking on all reason. "I'm here for a bit of dancing I guess." Rin managed to sound at least mostly convincing. It was really hard to focus with Ophelia here and looking just so...

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