chapter 12

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Karl's pov

Y/n quickly got up and went downstairs. I got up and started getting ready. Sapnap sat there for about another minute, then finally got up. After about 10 minutes we walked downstairs to see
Y/n talking to George. They where laughing. Its good that there getting along.

"MORNING KARL!" Y/n said while getting up and hugs me (i have a love hate relationship with hugs and ect.) I hug back.

"Oh morning y/n. Oh clay what time do we have to go to the airport at?" I asked

"Soon, ONCE SAPNAP GETS HIS DUMBASS DOWN HERE!" he yelled making 1 y/n jump and 2 it obvious for Sapnap to hurry up. He quickly came downstairs.

"goddamn Sapnap, you slow!" Y/n said while holding in there laughter in.

"Bro why you always picking on me!?"

"Mhm its more fun to get a reaction out of you. And Karl and George are to nice, but i still pick on George. Oh i did earlier." Sapnap rolls his eyes

"Aww Mr.Nap has an audited, you know if you keep rolling your eyes there gonna get stuck like that!" Y/n said getting up starts going upstairs, then comes back down grabs a glass of water and runs upstairs, i looked and Dream then George they both had confused faces, i quickly go upstairs. When i get to the top of the stairs i quickly walked over to the bathroom, the door was slightly opened just enough so i could see in. I was shocked by what i saw,  they where looking in the mirror but had a medication bottle and the water next to them. They where talking to themselves? Panicking? All of the sudden they got mad? And slammed their hands on the counter and said shut up loudly. They sighed and opened the medication bottle and took out some medication and took it with the water. I started to walk downstairs so they wouldn't know i was there but they say me.

"Karl you saw thay didn't you?"

"Yeah sorry"

"Oh no, its ok. DREAM WE HAVE TO LEAVE SOON DONT WE?" They yelled waiting for a answer

"YEAH!" he yelled back, i looked at y/n and was about to ask what the medication is for but i think they knew i was gonna ask that.

"Well, anti depressants, and the other ones i have are for like adhd and shit. In which case i have to figure out a way to get this into my bag without anyone seeing caue them..."

"Why didn't you pack them last night?"

"Cause i forgot......" they said looking down, i gave them a hug, they huged back then released

"Oh i have an idea, when me and dream went out i got a small bag, and i still have it up hear, what if put it in there?" They said kinda pondering. They quickly ran to Sapnap's room and grabbed the bag and other stuff and ran back twords me

"Will you hold this open for me please?"

"Yeah." I grabbed the bag and held it open, they put the the other medications in, and Anything eles they grabbed.

"Ok thank you karl lets go!" 
Y/n pov
(Idk the process of getting on or off a plain, cause ive never been on one so time skip like 12  hours  or so)

Once i had my bag, i was looking for someone. But the thing is i dont know how. I was looking around for a bit when i felt someone walk up behind me.

"Hi y/n!" The voice sounded familiar but my flight or fight kicked and it sadly enough it was fight. And without knowing it i turned around quickly and punched them the stomach causeing them to double over in pain. I quickly realized what i did  and who it was.

"Oh wilbur i am so sorry!"  I said panicking. He laughed a bit.

"Its ok, you have a strong punch like wow!"

"Yeah- funny thing is i can punched harder."

"Oh then don't punch when you turn around." He said causeing me to slowly turn around, i say someone tall. I looked up and relized it was- was TOMMY! i freaked out a bit, and without thinking twice i huged him.

"Omg hi Tommy! Hi hi hi! I cant believe it!!" I let go and started jumping up and down happily.  I quickly calm myself down.

"Wilbur can you stand right here for a second?" I said pointng next to tommy, he walked over twords tommy and stood next to him. I turned around so i wasn't facing them yet. Then i turned around agin.

"Oh hi Wilbur and tommy. Nice to meet you both irl!" I said sticking out my handed. Wilbur laughed.

"Hi y/n, nice to meet you two!"  Wilby said

"Hi y/n, nice to meet you!" Tommy said while playing along, and shook my hand, then Wilbur. I laughed and followed them both to the car and got in the back and placed my bag next to me.
Tommy started rambling i don't know what about but i tried to listen to what he was saying.  Wilbur and tommy ended up arguing like- siblings. Ooo i got a fucking idea hit me.

"Yall fucking arguing about the stupidest shit. I gusse thats what siblings do..." i said just lound enough for them to hear. They stopped and looked back at me.

"Bitch-!" Tommy said

"Aww look bitchinnit is mad, and wilby looks like hes about to die of laughter" i started laughing. Which eventually turned into a wheez, wilbur then started dying them tommy. Once we calmed down a bit i said

"Tommy i have a nickname for you! Wanna hear it?" I said excitedly


"Tom tom! I dont why i just like that. Tom tom and Wilby!" I said excitedly. I started stiming and accidentally smacked myself in the face cause me to laugh nervously.. After that Wilbur finally started driving

Ello, been a long time since i updated! And i am so sorry about that. I need so ideas. So if you got any let me know! Love you all, stay safe and take care. Byeee see you agin soon♤♤

(Sorry for any spelling erors)

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