Sunday Night | A Supernatural Experience | Night 1

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WARNING: All this happened on Sunday, April, 26, 2015. This is real. Don't go, this is fake, Fake FAKE. It is not fake. This is Night One of the Cursed Rose, so vivid and real. I gave it that name because it seems to depend on that rose. I, Shade, has experienced this horror. I might not live, but in the meantime, I will tell you my experience. Sorry to put this in an art book, but this is just too real. See you tomorrow if I live.

I was taking out the trash when I spotted this rose, it was alone. No leaves or thorns. I just picked it up and threw it away. I went to get the mail when I heard this metallic sound, right next to me.

I slammed the mail box shut and grabbed the mail. I almost literally flew up the stairs. When I got to the third floor, where my apartment door stands wide open, I could here the thing retreating. Looking back, no one was there. I told my mom, but she said it was my imagination, that I imagined to much.

The night went normally. I searched up ways of avoiding monsters of the night. There was a website of exactly that.

1. Cover your body with your blanket so the beast won't see you, and you won't see it.

2. Don't make any unnatural movement to signal it that you know it's there.

3. Don't make a noise or move when an unnatural noise breaks the silence.

4. When the noise silences, you can move and breathe, but follow rule #2.

5. Try to sleep to relieve the eerie silence. If you get nightmares, wake up immediately before it kills you.

I followed exactly that. I couldn't see anything under the blanket, and that was fine with me.

After, about two hours, I finally nodded off. But a tapping at the window caught my attention. I acted like I didn't hear it. The tapping got louder and louder, faster and faster. It became more like a big THUMP THUMP THUMP. Then it faded away. I let out a breath that I've been holding.

I finally slept, but I can still hear like my senses are still awake except my brain. I just let them do their work. But I can't quite sleep.

After two hours of restless sleep, the door to my bedroom creaked open and close. Footsteps trotted across the wooden floor. Luckily, before that happened, I had the blanket cover me in a comfortable position. The steps stopped. I lied as still as I could, trying to breathe through the blanket because I don't know how long it will stand there. I shuffled a bit every once in a while for the air to enter the blanket. After three hours, I heard it opened the door and go away.

I risked a peek out. I saw nothing but the ghastly white ceiling reflecting my alarm clock. I finally got to sleep, but had a nightmare.

In that nightmare I was running, I remember the last rule and tried to wake up, but part of me wanted to see what at the end. So I ran breathlessly in the moon light, dark hands curving towards me. The uneven cobblestones made it easy to push off the road. It actually felt peaceful. If I could control the dream, I might've skipped. But no, I have to run. Towards or away from something. After some time, something was visible in the woods. It touched my shoulder and I staggered awake, to the music of my alarm clock. Thank god.

At school everything was normal. After the dream, my legs were so tired, so was my back. I told the teachers and my friends about it, but they just laughed it off. I was too afraid to go home so I went to the library. I came home to find my mom and brother there. I showered and washed. I took out the garbage to find the rose in the garbage can gone. I did the chores and I hope I can live to see you guys tommorow.


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