Chapter 14 - Hope, pt. 3

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Alucard P.O.V
When I woke up I got up to go tell Integra what I had found out and that we might be able to find Alexandra and finally bring her home. I hoped so at least, but how many Nazi hideout where still around even if they where abandoned or destroyed. Alexandra could be at any one of them. It was in the afternoon so Integra would still be up for sure especially with all that was going on, I figured Scarlet would be asleep in here room now. I approached Integra's office as I walked in. Integra looked up at me from her never ending pile of paper work.

"What is it Alucard?" Integra asked her voice was a bit curios

"Sir Integra, I have spoken with Alexandra. She appears to have accidentally teleported herself to a abandoned nazi hideout."

"You spoke with her? Was she alright?" Integra said her voice a bit hopeful again
"She sounded like she was fine though I don't know how much longer she can stick around on her own."

"I see, I will have Walter look into the nazi hideouts in this location surely she didn't teleport to far from this area." Said Integra, Walter nodded as he walked out of the room to find out about the hideouts.

"I believe that is correct, at least that is what I think. It's most likely she is in this area I doubt her powers are strong enough to to go that far away."

Integra nodded looking up at Alucard "Is there anything else you know."

"No that is all I have managed to figure out so far."

"Alright you can go if that is all, I will call for you when when Walter comes back."

Alucard would bow before he turned leaving the room heading back to his till he was called for.

Walter P.O.V
I left right away to figure out how many of the hideouts where still around, it wasn't to hard to find out there where about six in the area I had put together Alexandra might be in. It had took me longer then I had expected to get the information and now it was about late afternoon as I headed back to Integra's office. I knocked on the door before opening it.

"Sir Integra I have the information you wanted" I said as I walked over to her desk handing her the papers.

"Thank you Walter," Integra said as she looked over the papers. "I see so now it's simply process of elimination till we get the right one."

"Yes it is sir, Integra. If we have Alucard and the Seras go to separate ones it would make the hole process a lot faster"

"I see do go get Alucard."

I bowed as I turned walking out to go get Alucard with a quick pace. I soon arrived at his room as I would walk in.

"Alucard, sir Integra wishes to see you."

Alucard P.O.V
Walter came to me talking me that Integra wanted to see me, that was quick as I stood up from my chair as I headed up to Integra's office to see what they had found. I wasn't able to sleep when I had gone back after telling Integra what I had found out, I was thinking about what could happen. How many hideouts there where and other things like that. I soon made it to her office as I opened the door walking in.

"You called for me"

"Yes, Walter has finished putting together the information and we had found out that there are six hideouts around the area where it is possible Alexandra could be. I want you and the police girl to go look but I would like you to go to one and the police girl go to another. To speed up the process."

"I understand my master when would you like me to leave?"

"As soon as you can, Walter will give you the locations to the hideouts so you and the police girl can head out."

"Understood my master"

I said as I turned to leave greater by Walter who had been outside the office. He told me where the six hideouts where, after I went to wake Seras to tell her about what we where supposed to do. Hopefully we would find Alexandra in the next twenty-four hours.

((Hey guys sorry it took so long, I had writers block for awhile and I was kind of lazy you know how it is anyway I hope you enjoyed the new chapter I'm not sure when the next one will be out. Anyway see you guys later ^w^))

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