Chapter 25: Dark Daehyun

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A/N: What I picture Daehyun to look like. T.O.P from Big Bang
" Suga were are you taking me?" I giggled as I was blindfolded his hand was leading me away into the forest.
"Somewhere special" He whispered as I squeezed his hand muffling my laughter.
It had been three day since we came back from Jeju and things were okay.
"Here." We stopped in the middle his hand leaving mine.
I felt his body brush against my backside as he hands moved to untie the blindfold around my eyes.
Finally I could see, I looked at the beautiful picnic set out under the trees.
"Do you like it jagi?" Suga said kissing my cheek lightly.
"Love it" I gave him a cute eyesmile before running towards the food.
I opened the basket taking a container full of dumplings when Suga playfully hit my hand.
"You have to earn your food" Suga scolded like a parent.
I stuck my tongue out at him snatching the container popping the lid off before shoving a dumpling in my mouth.
"Aish..I should know by now your not a good listener" Suga laughed grabbing a dumpling himself.
"I'm sorry Oppa I'll listen more from now on" I said kissing him lightly on the lips, he raied an eyebrow.
"Did Kim Solbi just call me oppa" My cheeks burned bright red in embarrassment.
"Maybe." I covered my face muffling my giggles.
Suga smiled eating another dumpling.
"I forgot.. have one more suprise" Suga wiped his hands putting them into the basket.
He pulled out a small white puppy the size of his palm. I couldn't help but admire it's cuteness.
"For when you miss me" Suga placed the small precious animal into my arms, I ran my hand over it's soft white fur as it stared at me with it's blue eyes in curiosity.
"I'm going to name you...frost" I smiled.
Suga bursted into a hysterical laugh, I raised an eyebrow pushing him over.
"What's funny?" I asked in annoyance as he held his stomache.
"I just never seen you get so cute for something, I hope you don't start loving frost more than me." Suga wiped a tear from his eye placing a hand over mine.
"The only time I'll love someone as much as you is when--" I stopped my words thinking it was too soon to wish something so big.
"..What were you going to say?" Suga asked, the sound of a phone ringing interrupted the moment Suga pulled out his phone excusing himself.
I sat there the butterflies in my stomache not settling.
The only time I'll love someone as much as I love you is when..we have our own family.
I laughed at my own nonsense, I don't think I could ever have children.
I don't want to end up like my parents.

Suga P.O.V

"Your grandmothers is in the hospital, she's had a heartattack" The phone dropped out of my hands hitting the ground.
Time stopped for me as the air in my chest sunk.
I couldn't think blood rushing to my head.
"Suga, are you okay?" Solbi put her hand on my arm noticing the color drain from my face.
"Halmeoni.." Is all that could manage to pass between my lips. Solbi already knew what was happening with just that one word, she picked up the picnic blanket and basket.
"I'll drive to the hospital" She said noticing the shock I was in.


"You can't leave your child and your husband!" The elder yelled grabbing onto the women's wrist.
The women was in tears a luggage that only fit two outfits in her hand.
"Let me go! I can't do this anymore!" She shoved her mother-in-law into the couch.
The young boy began to cry for his mother and grandmother.
"Omma!" He weeped tugging at her arm as she left the house.
The women yanked her arm away from her child wiping her remaining tears.
"Halmeoni will take good care of you Yoongi" She whispered giving him one last sweet smile.
That was the last time the boy ever heard or saw of his mother. His halmeoni became a mother to him.
Promising she would never leave him like the rest of his family.
"Halmeoni I want to stay with you forever" The boy now fifteen joked throwing an arm over the weak women. She didn't have the same strength as she did years ago when the boy was an infant.
"Nonsense boy, you have to get married and have a family of your own" Yoongi made a sour face watching his halmeoni make soup.
"Well if I do have all of that, I want you to live with me and my family." The old women let out a small chuckle her heart warming at the lpce of her grandson.
"Alright,alright" She said stirring the wooden spoon in the soup.
"Promise me halmeoni you will never leave me" The old women's grandson pleaded kissing his grandmother's cheek.
"I promise."

I stared out the car window the tapping of my foot the only noise in the vehicle, the habit I had when I was worried.
A large lump filled his throat from holding back tears, I didn't want to think about the possibilities of my halmeoni.
"Suga.." Solbi said when we parked at the hospital.
"I think it's better if I go alone" I stared down at my lap not wanting Solbi to see me weak.
"But I want to be by your side-"
"Please Solbi I want to be alone." She didn't say anything as I got out of the car.
I looked back as she turned out of the parking lot.
I just need to be alone..

Solbi P.O.V

"Alone! What the hell does that mean?" I yelled out pulling up to a cafe.
He was always there for me, why couldnt I always be there for him.
He needs his space..
I let out a deep sigh running a hand through my hair, I decided to meet up with Sohee and have a cup of coffee or something to keep me at ease.
I was being forced to give Suga space in a crisis like this.
I held my new pet frost in my arms, the dog whimpered softly nudging it's wet nose on me.
"I know..but he needs his space" I said as if I knew what the dog was feeling.
"I've never seen a girl talk to a dog." A deep voice spoke to me making goosebumps on my arms, I looked up spotting a handsome man in his early twenties in all black clothing.
He was surprisingly familiar.
"Hello? Do I know you?" I asked scooting away from the stranger as Frost began to growl.
"Perhaps not but I know someone close to you" A shiver went down my spine.
Could this get any creepier?
"Close to me?" The man lips curved into a smirk as he leaned forward.
"How about let's take a walk and I'll tell you all about this close someone" By this point even Frost was trembling in my arms.
"No thank you." I got up grabbing my purse and rushing out of the cafe my pulse ring to levels of unknown.
I walked quickly to my car when I bumped into two men. They were tall and bulky wearing scars in their faces an tatoos on their arms.
Frost leaped from my arms, leaving me alone with the two men.
I reacted fast shifting my leg up hitting one in the groin.
He bellowed in pain, I turned on my heels running to my car only to have myself yanked back a rag filled with the smell of alchohol placed over my face.
My eyes rolled back as I felt the world turn black.


"She looks like fun.." I heard a husky voice overhead I felt someone grab at my thigh.
I shot up my body flinging back down.
A heard aching pain came to my head as I groaned in pain, the smell of alchohol still in my nostrils.
Beaming lights in my eyes made me squint, all I could see was the same man in the cafe shop leaning over me.
I shrieked kicking my legs up, no use as my whole body was tied up to a wall.
"Scream all you want, no one can hear you behind these seven inch thick stone walls" The man chuckled sliding his hand over my waist.
"To bad will have to wait for Yoongi to come to have any fun" He snickered his hand teasing my thigh.
I squeezed my eyes shut trying to move my legs to kick him off.
"Please don't touch me" My voice muffled from the tape.
"Only for now I won't."

Sohee P.O.V

Your call cannoy be answered at this moment.
I cringed another time at Suga's voicemail.
I had just watched men kidnapp my best friend and I couldn't do anything about it.
The best I could do was report to the police who in three hours would send a search squad.
In three hours Solbi could be dead.


A/N: Mwahahaha I'm evil xD
Ugh more coming next chapter ^^
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