King's Landing

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Important information to avoid confusion:

Uncles and aunts in the Starks:
From Ned: *Brandon, the eldest (Deceased. Robb was only a baby when that happened, meaning neither Sadie nor any of the other siblings knew him)
*Lyanna (King Robert's first and only love. Deceased, before Brandon)
*Benjen (Currently alive. First ranger at the Night's Watch).

From Catelyn: *Lysa (Currently Lady Regent of the Vale. Has one son, the only cousin of the Starks, Robin)
*Edmure (Ser)

-Uncle by marriage: Jon Arryn (deceased), married to Lysa. He was the hand of the king until he died in suspicious circumstances. That's why Ned moved to the city with his daughters, to replace him.

Uncles and aunts in the Baratheon/Lannister:
From Robert: *Stannis (Lord of Dragon Stone, Master of Ships being part of the King's council. He had three stillborns, all boys of different years, and has one alive daughter, Shireen)
*Renly (Lord of Storm's Ends, Master of Laws in his brother's council too)

From Cersei: We already know Jaime and Tyrion


Great Sept of Baelor: Also known as the Great Sept or the Sept of Baelor, was the center of religious worship for the Faith of the Seven (the New Gods) and seat of the High Septon.
High Septon: A title held by the head of the Faith of the Seven. Kind of like a priest... Kind of.
Septa: Septas are the female clergy of the Faith of the Seven. Women sworn to celibacy, some of them serving noble houses as governesses and tutors to the daughters of lords, teaching them in matters of etiquette and history.

SUGGESTION: At the beginning of each chapter listen to the main theme of the series "Game of Thrones Main Title by Ramin Djawadi", just for a better experience ;)


Although Joanna barely thought about her home while she was in Winterfell, for her it felt good to be back. A part of her missed the warmth of the city, especially the ocean view from her bedroom. Unfortunately for her, she got used to the freshness of the wind in the north and the silence; as soon her carriage entered King's Landing she groaned complaining already about the noise and the mix of smells.

Entering her bedroom, she widely smiled and ran towards her bed, she jumped on it and moaned when she felt the soft sheets and comfortable mattress under her body, squirming on her bed after a long trip sleeping in the inns, covering herself with rough blankets and resting on hard beds.

The song of a little bird caught her attention, raising up her head from the bed she saw a blue bird resting on a window, making her stand up. When she was near, the bird flew away leaving her to take a look to what she had in front of her: the wide blue ocean reflecting the sun, and in the city were the merchants offering their talents in food and pottery, some people living on the streets and some getting drunk in the middle of the day, kids being kids, royal guards doing their job, the Great Sept of Baelor which is a large building. Love it or hate it, this was her home.

Knocked knocked, she heard. "Come in" She turned around to see who was the first person that visited her

"It's my joy to see you again, Your Grace" Greeted Lord Varys, the Master of Whisperers, the one that she trusted the most in the castle

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