Nerd Alert • Let Loose

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*6 months later*

Here I am. Working at a store in downtown LA. The only thing that kept me up was the pasta waiting for me at my apartment. It was almost 9 at night and my shift doesn't end till 10. I hadn't eaten lunch cause well I wasn't hungry. I'm kinda regretting it now. I was putting some merchandise on display when a customer walked in. That customer happened to be Jack and Jonah. They always visit me durning my shift although it was late so why were they out?

Jack: Hey girllll!

You: Hi Jack. Hi Jonah.

Jonah: Hellooooo

You: What are you guys doing out so late?

Jonah: Well we came to pick you up.

You: I have my motorcycle and my shift doesn't end for another hour.

Jonah: Well too bad you don't get paid enough anyways. You should really find a new job.

Jack: Hey you could always do singing.

You: Ok no. I've told you before singing is your guy's thing, not mine.

Jonah: But you have an amazing voice.

You: Welcome to Cherries you either make a purchase or get the hell out.

Jack: Not without you.

Jonah: Yea come on we're taking you to a party

You: A party? Yea no thanks.

Jonah: Come on when's the last time you let loose and had fun.

Jack: You need to relax and have some fun y/n

You: I need to make money. How else will I pay for my apartment bills. And food and water. Guys I really can't I-

Jonah: Come on just for a little bit you don't even have to talk to anyone. You can stay with me and Jack the whole time.

You: And watch you make out with girls? Once again, I'm good.

Jack: Y/

Corbyn: Guys what is taking so long? You said you were only gonna take a few minutes.

I turned around. There he was. Me and Corbyn well we never talked much after what happened. Long story short, we drifted apart. He's dating Lera now and very successful. I ,on the other hand, am living in a one bedroom apartment with my dog, Pascal, with no significant other. And a crappy job. Whenever me and Corbyn were in the same room we didn't acknowledge each other. That's what I was scared of. The first time I saw him after the break up, he was already talking to other girls. Which hurt me inside but I wasn't gonna let him or the other guys know that. I still love him deep inside. But I know it'll never happen again. I eventually just moved that part of my life to the side and started focusing on myself. So I moved out of the boys house and got a job and an apartment and a motorcycle. I'm doing better now. Well. I'm trying to.

Jonah: I know I know. Y/n's just being difficult.

You: I'm not going. End of story.

Y/n'sBoss: Y/n! Enough chit chat get the fuck back to work! Now!

My job. Well it's not the best but, it's all I have. My boss doesn't like me for whatever reasons. He treats me like shit and doesn't pay me what I deserve. Oh well.

You: Sorry sorry. You guys need to leave now.

Jack: Corbyn tell y/n that she needs to have fun and relax.

You: Jack shut the hell up. Leave already I'm not going to any fucking party.

Corbyn: You should come...It'll be fun.

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