"Now that is no way for a polite little boy to speak."

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Separated AU: No
Warnings: Corporal punishment that teeters on the edge of abusive, brief homophobia, a much darker chapter
Inspiration: Based very, very heavily on Quilna's fanfiction on Ao3 "How to be a Proper Gentleman". I will be including a brief summary of its plot below in the one shots summary to catch up to speed.
Summary: When Dr. Jekyll recruited the help of his gentleman side 'Mind Lanyon' he suspected it was only going to affect him and Mr. Hyde. As Mr. Hyde is about to learn that isn't the case when Mind Lanyon deems their youngest pair to be too unruly and in need of punishment.
Centric Characters: Dennis Hyde, Mind Lanyon (in Edward Hyde's body), Brian Jekyll, Edward Hyde

They hadn't noticed initially that there was anything going on with their fathers. Regrets of this, however, would transpire quickly. It all started with finding Edward out and about. Dennis didn't think much of it, it was perhaps a little odd to find his father in control throughout any semblance of daylight time, but perhaps Henry was just lightening up. There was a first time for everything, the boy reasoned. And he just knew Edward wouldn't get him in trouble for having far too big of a stick as a plaything in the walls of the society. Even in his teenage years, he was juvenile at heart, easily making entrainment of such common day, perhaps rather dirty, objects. On his own time. While the lodgers didn't bat an eye at the green eyed boy playing with it, he sure wasn't going to intentionally embarrass himself like this in front of his boyfriend. However, Jerrick was occupied for the day per his father's request allowing Dennis to be as immature as he pleased.
"Hey dad!" he chirped disregarding the eerily panicked look Edward wore, "Look at this cool stick I found!" he waved it a little bit for emphasis, the thinner top wobbling, then pulling on the top he wore about to brag of the flakes from the stick and the dirt that littered the wrinkled button up, originally white, shirt, before he could comment, however, a voice spoke.
"Now this simply won't do."
It was a posh accent, almost similar to the one Dr. Jekyll achieved, but he knew Jekyll was nowhere to be found if his father was in control. Dennis's head jerked up surprised. There Edward Hyde still stood stiff and frightened looking but still there. He furrowed his brows. By now all the boys knew the accents their fathers spoke with were mere acts, of course they'd stooped to matching the accents they'd grown up hearing, and Edward never dared to speak so properly unless he was mocking the good doctor. After a moment Dennis scrunched his nose, allowing a small giggle and arching a brow assuming it was just his father being silly. Playing a game. Though, in hind sight, the expression he wore should've been clue enough that this wasn't the case.
"You believe this is funny?" his father demanded still in the ever proper tone earning another giggle and nod.
"Uh yeah, why are you talking like that?"
A sigh of disappointment, though it looked out of place compared to Edward's expression, so far everything had, "You're just like your father it seems. I was hoping by reforming them first you boys would follow suit, perhaps that was far too optimistic, though. It seems I need to start with you just as immediately."
Dennis's brows furrowed, why was he speaking in first person, well he supposed that wasn't the odd part. The odd part was what he said, 'just like your father', 'reforming them first'. It was perhaps even beyond odd.
"What are you-" before he could finish the sentence, his father stiffly grabbed his wrist, with a very tight grasp. Tighter than expected, tighter than he ever had before.
Dennis immediately started to squirm, "Ow! Hey! Stop it! Let go of me! You're hurting me!!" he yelped, trying to pull away, even with the natural Hyde added strength, however, Edward was still much stronger than the boy barely sparing him a glance from over his shoulder.
"If this hurts, you certainly won't like what I have planned," he hummed, starting to pull Dennis along, more of dragging as the young teen feebly tried digging his heels into the floor to stop moving, having long lost hold of his outside toy.
"Stop! Stop! Let go!!" he demanded, mind frantically trying to make sense of the situation all the while thinking how to get out of it. This was Hyde, this was his father. His father never spoke with such an accent though. Perhaps the trick his father mentioned, controlling Jekyll's body with only a subtle eye color change? It worked both ways, he recalled, but he vividly knew that the eyes he'd seen were green. Hyde green. What could this be then?
"Let go! Let go!! Stop! Stop it!!" he continued to wail hoping to grab attention, there were more than enough people that lived I'm the building to do so, surely there was someone around.
Edward, at least that was the only name he could pin to the figure who was dragging him along towards the Jekyll office, tutted at him, finally stopping lowering his head just slightly, not needing to do much considering both of their short statures, "If you don't want me to make this worse, you're going to follow quietly. Enough of this fuss you're having," still proper but there was a malicious tone laced in perfectly, enough to further Dennis's fears. Silently, after a moment, he nodded. Pleased with this, the thing that looked like his father continued to lead him along. The fearful look on Edward's face was slowly slipping, into one of almost blankness, indifference. As though not at all concerned about how shaken he'd left the boy shuffling behind him. Slowly, he started to hum, Dennis would've liked to find comfort in this, but it only succeeded in making him more afraid.
They reached Henry's office, he figured a lecture of some kind, he hadn't accounted for the soundproof walls playing a part in the adult's plan however. Edward finally released Dennis's wrist, a red hand print already beginning to form from where he'd taken hold of him. He strode past the boy locking the door and stashing the key into the inner pocket of his coat, Dennis felt all the more uneasy knowing he'd have a hard time getting to it that way, meaning he was at this thing's mercy until he decided that he could be let out.
Edward looked Dennis up and down, surveying him, the teen even thought he saw the lip curl in disgust for only a moment, he soon was being circled. A predator looking at its prey. Dennis shivered as Edward did so, mind still racing at a thousand thoughts a second trying to draw Brian up from their mindscape to see if he had any ideas. All that paused at his father started speaking again, not losing his posh-Jekyll-like tone.
"I'm not sure which of you Hydes are worse," he finally stated. Dennis frowned confusion of it all finally allowing him to blurt out his question.
"Who are you?" it looked like his father, but it didn't sound like him, act like him, it couldn't be him.
The familiar figure chuckled, "Oh dear me, I suppose we haven't properly met, hmm?" he leaned down once again in Dennis's face, "I'm sure you think I'm your daddy," he hummed, gently booping his nose, "but I'm not," he cooed, "I am the gentleman side of Jekyll. He's recruited me to help him, that currently involves getting your father in line," it explained with sickly sweetness. Dennis's breath hitched, wavering as it was slowly released. Edward mentioned something of the sort. The father had been shocked to learn that Brian and Dennis were no strangers to the other occupants of their mind. The ones they thought, and hoped, couldn't rise to the surface. This proved a terrifying revelation to the boy however.
"Ohh look at the realization in your eyes," the gentleman in the form of his father gushed, "I'm sure you boys know plenty of ones like me. Did you know they're made up of the same exact things as you are?" Dennis's breaths were getting harder to manage both getting in and letting out.
Slowly he shook his head, Edward's face fell into one of disgusted anger, "I'm willing to bet there's a certain little Lanyon in your head as well. Disappointing really, I know he can't be the same influence I have over Jekyll seeing as he's hardly the darling boy he makes himself out to be," the adult took the silence as confirmation, sneering, "disgusting. I'm relieved that he's at least not real," he scoffed, "Well no more real than you are. Thankfully, I'd say you won't have to worry about him taking control. Seeing as he'd be of no help to you."
Dennis casted his gaze away shamefully, that was far from the truth, it was really the main thing to keep them pacified when they were unwillingly forced to the mindscape. Being their perception of love, their mind Jerrick was far more cuddly and affectionate, even adorned in an adorable knightly outfit they'd seen in their childhood fairytale books. It wasn't better than the real Jerrick that was for sure but it worked well enough. He was even willing to bet that was where Brian currently was instead of watching the surface reality.
Before he could protest, not that he'd be very successful, he felt his anxiety further creeping up on him threatening to form into a full blown attack that Dennis tended to be more prone to, the father spoke again, "Just another thing to fix."
Dennis snapped his gaze back up, immediately regretting it. He knew now this wasn't his father so seeing his face looking back down to him only terrified Dennis more. Taking in a struggling breath, he barely managed, "Wh-what are you going to do to me?"
A wicked smile pulled at the father's face, a delightedly cruel chuckle leaving him, "Oh you know how the saying goes. Spare the rod and spoil the child, and I'm afraid you boys have been spoiled far too much," he hummed, picking up a metal stirring stick for Jekyll's potions, surveying it a moment, "We can't have naughty little boys running around and ruining their father's pristine reputation, can we? For granted, I plan to be rid of your father as soon as I can, and I deeply imagine you'll be scared away from taking control from that, however, it seems fitting to start with you."
Dennis's heart raced, his breathing was caught, without thinking he bolted for the doors, the man in his father's body let him, merely looking over the stirrer again, before deciding it wasn't good enough, too short. He hummed looking for another object to use instead. Dennis desperately pulled and turned at thr handles, why weren't they opening!? He had to get out of here!
His futile attempt to escape was interrupted a few moments later by that now frightening posh accent, "Seems you've forgotten the doors are locked. There's no way out of this punishment. Now, you may come here yourself or I can drag you over here."
Dennis felt himself spiraling further down, tears already pricking his eyes, he didn't dare move. Hearing the footsteps approach he immediately whipped his head around sure enough finding the figure of Edward coming closer, Dennis stumbled back into the door, immediately losing his balance, falling onto his rear, staring up as gasps desperately heaved from him, always managing to get caught in his throat before he was able to release them in a choked whimper.
"St-stay away! Get a-away from me!!" he demanded, shielding himself as well as he could with his hands. A tsking noise was heard, as though he was merely a toddler having a temper tantrum over a toy.
"Now that is no way for a polite little boy to speak. Yelling is very, very naughty. This is exactly what I was talking about. Far too spoiled. It is high time you learned a lesson in being a little gentleman," Dennis was yanked up again by the same wrist as before, once more being pulled away no matter how fiercely he struggled, once more he felt the horribly tight grasp over the hand mark already formed. Dennis was yelling for help, hoping anyone would hear, but he knew, in hind sight, no one would. As mentioned, the walls were completely soundproof. He was trapped.
He was pulled over to the desk and forced down onto it, face first, "I would say this hurts me more than it does you, but it'd be completely unfitting of me to lie."
Dennis desperately clawed at the desk as though he'd be able to climb over it with his scratches, still yelling, "Please! Please don't!! I'll be good! I'll be a good boy! Just p-please don't!! I-I thought a gentleman wouldn't hurt someone!!" in that moment, Dennis would've said anything if it just got him free. This proved fruitless, however, instead, he was only pressed harder down over the desk.
"I thought we just discussed your yelling," Edward, the thing that looked like Edward, said shaking his head, "very inappropriate and very naughty, Dennis, and is there really need for all this fuss? I haven't even started yet and you look ready to bawl," he hummed, humoring the boy's pleading a moment, "as a gentleman, it is highly inappropriate to hurt someone, yes," he agreed toying with the belt he'd found with his free hand, "however, your children are a different case. How else will they learn if father's do not teach them? And you, Dennis Hyde, are far overdue for a lesson. Now, stop fighting," the growl was left in the air for a moment before the first strike hit. Dennis yelped in shock and pain, tears finally pouring out. The sensation was an all new one for the boy.
Henry Jekyll and Edward Hyde were both many things, but neither ever spanked their boys. The closest thing would be Edward swatting him or his brothers upside the head for saying something dumb. As small children, their wrists were lightly swatted if they were digging into something they shouldn't, but that was it. Even Henry's worst was merely having an item or privilege taken for a period of time. This was all new, and Dennis did not like it.
Hits from the belt continued to land blow after blow on all areas of his rear, ranging from the top to the bottom area he'd have to sit on later. Dennis initially continued trying to scramble away but between the firm hand holding him in place and the sobs pouring from his mouth leaving him exhausted, he eventually slumped in a hysterically crying mess of defeat. Not even that stopped the hits however, not that Dennis could notice when they did slowly pull to a stop. His rear felt like it was on fire, he certainly didn't want to imagine sitting on it after that.
The adult hummed, "Stop. Stop your crying now," he hummed coldly, it only made the boy wail harder, not even trying to hide himself in shame, this earned an eye roll, "Dennis," he cooed, "you're aware your father can see everything, right? Every bit of this embarrassing display? Surely, you don't want him to think of you further as a baby?" another sob, this stemming from a fit of embarrassment, cheeks already flushed a dark, dark red, no doubt matching his sore bottom. The adult tsked again, making sure it was loud enough to be heard over the crying. Dennis sobbed more, certainly not ceasing when he was pulled up from the desk and firmly hugged to the chest of Edward. Dennis immediately started squirming not wanting to be touched, held, by this man. Not at all, but certainly not when he looked like Edward.
The man, having the boy's face hidden allowed a smirk, not too concerned of the disgusting display on his chest. It would be Edward's problem. It was Edward's chest. He just needed to finish this part of his plan. He was not letting his plans, his intentions be ruined by two unruly little boys. Still, he supposed this could work in his favor. A little manipulation to keep them far away and oh-so-well-behaved.
"I know, I know. I'm sorry. But it's over now. You learned your lesson, yes?"
Dennis hiccupped pathetically, only craning his head out to wail, "L-let go of me!! I-I want my daddy!!" while Dennis couldn't see it what with his eyes tightly screwed shut, surly blurred vision from the overflow of tears, and him burying his head back into the chest after his pathetic declaration was made, the man still offered an almost mocking pout.
"I'm only doing whats best for you. You will learn to be a good little boy. Besides, 'daddy' didn't even try to stop me," Edward had, oh lord had he tried, but the one in control didn't have to disclose that information. The boy sobbed harder at that, awkwardly, making a face of distaste, he pat the boy's back.
"Oh I know.. I know it... you need rest, darling. Why don't you hand the reins to little mister Brian, and rest up. The punishment is over."
With a pitiful hiccup Dennis did so. Anything to clear his head and breathe right, anything to get out of this situation. He knew Brian would be safe. The punishment was over.
Brian was stunned feeling himself crying as he drew back to a clear reality, tears relentlessly poured down his face, his butt stinging like nothing he'd felt before. What in the world was going on? He felt his chin be grabbed rather roughly, jerking his head up to be eye-to-eye with Edward Hyde. Brian whined uncomfortably, wiggling to free his head, only receiving a tighter hold in response.
"Brian Jekyll," the voice states coldly and Brian immediately furrowed his brows, noting the accent that was not Edward's, that was for sure.
"H-Hyde?" he whimpered, trying again to twist his head free to look around. Why were they in his father's office? Why had Dennis been crying? Why did his butt hurt so bad?
"Brian," the voice said again, green eyes narrowed, "you have been a very, very naughty boy. Perhaps even more naughty than Dennis."
"Do not interrupt me when I'm speaking to you. That is rude," Edward growled, accent still clear as day through the tone. He cleared his throat then continued speaking.
"Kissing up on another boy for one. Allowing Dennis control far too often, getting your clothes filthy in result. As the Jekyll you have to be held more responsible. You have to be more responsible. You are the ones that are in control yet you allow them free rein. And you're the worst one yet. Letting Dennis out so freely. You certainly need a lesson."
Before Brian could entirely process, even offer a question, he was pushed away, turned around and bent over the desk. Brian could explain it but he was hit with deja-vu, but not one he could place. He didn't get a chance to think too long on it before a fresh and sharp smack hit his already searing rear end, the smacks continuing to fall even as Brian yelled and pleaded and eventually fell back into the sobbing mess Dennis had been prior.
The adult was sure it'd bruise but nobody would have to know, it was in an area that was covered. An area that would stay covered if the boys knew what was good for them. All Dennis and Brian knew was this couldn't be their fathers.

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