Chapter 17: PB&J and Holmes' Revelation

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Kaiya POV

"Eh? You got invited to go to London?!" I exclaimed. 'Not fair!" I anime cried. "I've always wanted to go to London."

"The home of Sherlock Holmes!" Conan exclaimed happily.

"Please be sure to bring back some souvenirs!" I asked him.

"Looks like someone is happy." Haibara looked at Conan. "Be grateful that I gave you the antidote." 

"Ah yes, thanks Haibara." Conan thanked her again.

"I bet it will be fun." Agasa said.

"You're going too?" Haibara asked Agasa. "Are you going to leave this poor girl at home all alone?"

"It's only for a week. Why don't you stay with Kaiya then?" Conan asked her.

"I would, but I don't trust that Subaru-san." Haibara said.

"Then how about Ayumi-chan's house? I suggested.

"Yoshida-san's house is suitable." Haibara said.


(the next day)

"Ayumi-chan, Ai-chan?" I opened the door. They were all decked up in makeup and pretty dresses.

"Kaiya-neechan! Want to come with us to the store at Beika Station? We want to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches!" Ayumi said.

"I haven't had that in so long." I sighed. 

"They're the best, aren't they?" Haibara agreed.

"So what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Ayumi cheered.

"Ah Subaru-san, I'm going out!" I called. He nodded in acknowledgement but didn't reply since he was on the phone.


Subaru POV

"Please don't let Ai-kun or Kaiya-chan find out about my package!" Agasa begged.

"Is there something important inside?" I asked.

"N-no but please keep it safe for me!" Agasa said.

"Sure." I replied. Now my curiosity is piqued. What could be inside the package that made Agasa panic?


Mitsuhiko POV

"Mitsuhiko-kun, there's a call for you from Conan-kun." my sister handed me the phone.

"Don't let Haibara and Kaiya-neechan go near Professor Agasa's house?" I pondered after Conan hung up. "I wonder why." Then I looked at a magazine that my sister was about to recycle.

"See, Haibara-san looks like Grace Aihara doesn't she?" I showed Genta the photo of the girl on the magazine. "From the clothes to the hairstyle."

"It says here that her favorite food is peanut butter and jelly! Sounds yummy!" Genta looked at the magazine.

"The only difference is the age. This magazine came out a year ago when she was 8, so she should be 9 around now." I thought. "Haibara-san is 7 but it is common for celebrities to fake their ages. This is just speculation... but what if she is Haibara-san?"

"Then why would Conan-kun and the professor call you earlier?" Genta asked. "You can't do that from an airplane, can you?"

"You can't do that from a cell-phone, but there are in-flight phones. The fact that he went to great lengths to call me... there must be an urgent reason to not let Haibara and Kaiya-neechan go near Professor Agasa's house. Ah that's right! Haibara is half-British just like Grace Aihara. Maybe Conan-kun and the professor went to the UK because of a case related to Haibara! There could be danger lurking around Haibara-san and Kaiya-neechan." I realized.

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