Chapter 36: Breakdancing and a Unexpected Visit

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Kaiya POV

"Oh Kazami-san!" I greeted him as I walked home from school. He was looking at a group of people dancing. "I didn't know you were interested in dancing."

"I'm actually here to interview some people for a case." he explained. "There was a transaction that was done in the blind spot of the survellience cameras in the area, and the people closest to the scene were these breakdancers." Kazami asked.

"I'm not sure if they'll listen to you if you flash your badge around and tell them you're an officer." I told Kazami.

"I'll be fine" Kazami insisted.


"Whoa! No way, you guys listen to DJK as well?" I addressed the group of dancers who were around my age, if not slightly older.

"You bet." of the guys gave me a fistbump. "Are you here to dance as well?"

"Actually if it's alright, can you answer some of the questions my friend has here?" I motioned to Kazami.

"What's up?" one of them asked.

"I saw that you guys practice dancing here every night -" Kazami began.

"We're not just dancing, we're breakdancing!" they explained.

"Well, have you seen this car?" Kazami pulled out a photo.

"Whoa! Are you questioning us, like in the movies?" one of the guys was intrigued.

"Not at all" I answered. "We just need a serious response."

"Well, I'm not gonna tell you just like that!" the guy replied with a cheeky grin.

"Right!" another woman seconded in a singsongy voice.

"Fine... what would you like in return?" I asked.

"A dance battle! It would be an honor to face off with a dashing lady like you." he flashed a smile. "Not that you would win anyways."

"A dance battle?" Kazami worried.

"Who says that I can't breakdance?" I arched an eyebrow.

"I guess we'll see about that!" he responded. "The name's Kou-chan, but you can call me Ren." he held out a hand.

"I'm Kaiya. You're on, Ren" I shook his hand and threw him a challenging look.


"Is this the time I say, I told you so?" I smirked at Kazami.

"Oi don't act so smug, we still have to figure how to breakdance." Kazami remined me.

"That's right, I don't know how to breakdance!" I worried, pacing around. I shouldn't have accepted that challenge, ugh!

"Calm down" Amuro told me. "Pacing around won't help. And Kazami, don't involve her in PSB affairs again." he scolded Kazami.

"But Amuro-san, you have to let me help. According to the Kazami-san, the site of the crime and the place where they practice is close." I explained. "They must have seen something. We have to win the dance battle if you want the information because we can't force witnesses to cooperate."

"They practice in front of shop windows?" Amuro glanced at the video Kazami showed him on his tablet.

"They seem to use them as a mirror to check their movements." Kazami explained.

"I see. Then we'll all go together." Amuro responded. "Kaiya, can you pull up some breakdancing videos that are trending?"

"Wait hold on, before that" I stopped them. "We need appropriate clothes to blend in."

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