Fucking dead man

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My mother woke me up early so I'm tired. I took my medicine and Amanda decided to be a fool today. I was writing the lyrics down to Lovestruck by BOTD when all of the sudden she yells that my mothers stuck her foot up her butt. I'm not even gonna listen anymore, when I got that done Amanda pissed me off and I know its gonna happen again so whatever tell ya more later on. And that was the best video I could find of that song, I may not know what she's saying but I like her voice and background music. Ok my mother dropped up off at our father's house and we going to get groceries. Amanda went with my father into Aldi's to get some I got prank called twice, *67 fucking childish but when they came back we went to Dilions and we got some more groceries I tried to get a monster but they didn't have the right one. Then we went to Walmart but me and Amanda stayed in the truck, when my father came back we went to Dollar general and he came back with chocolate donuts and free cookie fucking fat ass. God I'm turning into an assholy bitch but we got McDonalds after that and went home. I'm also seeing shit like spiders, giant bugs and green lights on my phone so yeah. I'm going insane

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