his introduction

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Fukase pov

"Oh no it's not. Tho, you might have to stop doing that. This school isn't same with that school so-"

"Yeah it was so harsh that you might as well break the door either sooner or later" I cut teachers Luka off as Len quickly slap the back of my head as I look at him for split of second before slap the back of his head back

"Sssss... Sakit la bongok" he muttered in some language that I did not know and looking away from him as our teacher luka only sighed and looks at our teacher Meiko before-

"MEIKO! WHAT THE HELL-ARE YOU DRUNK AGAIN?! "she yelled which makes Teachers meiko jump out of her seat and trying to hide something "Luka I swear i'm not drinking-"

He then out of nowhere just came in and stand in front of us and his eyes didn't even make any eyes contact with any of us"Hi ,Sup. My name is Flower. And that's it" he lazily introduced himself and seems focusing on his purple watch instead of us

"So, does any of you have any question? Because I don't have all day for you guys"he spoke. Tch, what a guy

As he said that, 1 of out class rises up her hands up but Flower still kept his eyes on his watch which cause me to open my fowl mouth

"If you didn't want them to ask any questions, then you don't have to said "does anyone have any questions "?" I mocked him as he rolled his eyes and looked at the girl that rises her hands "what is the question you want to ask"

"Hi soo my name is SeeU and if you don't mind, why is your name is Flower? " SeeU ask "Oh idk. What about you asked my mother instead? "he titled his head "she's the one that gave me my name. Well.. US.. "

Then another students risen up their hands"does that means that you have siblings Flower? " they asked .she then smiles and out his hands behind good "good question! Yes, I have.. 4 siblings. Including me"

"Originally, there's only 3 of us and i'm a middle child.. Butttt my family decided to adopt this fellas because she looks like us soo yeah" he answered

"Does any of your siblings scholling here? "Someone ask

"Oh yeah, the older one. No one ask this but the younger the adopted one isn't schooling here. They're staying at hostel. Even if the minimum age for staying at hostel 18,they didn't give heck about it anyways"he explained and sighed

"Does you ever-"

"If you're gonna ask if I ever go to hostel and staying there then yes, I ever have. Until I've been bad students and get kicked out from there and my family has no choice but make me go to this damn school"he explained as his face filled with disgust. Probably remembering what happening in there

"Okayyy that's too much question and Flower, just go sit next Aether"Teacher Meiko said as she looked over Aether and yelled"Aether RISE YOUR ONE HAND UP" which shocked the hell out of him and makes him stand up than what he was told. As you guess, almost everyone on the class started to laughing as he only looking down that only before the door suddenly was slammed and we saw 'Our' lovely teacher Luka go away from our class

Oh yeah, I forgot that, beside Len, Aether is also her fav students

Flower then just shrugged and straight up put his bag against Aether's bag and sit at his own tabke and rested his head over the tabke with arms as pillows

I only stared at him for like.. Minutes before do as he does and slowly going back to the unreality dream and dark

Surely, takes a little nap won't be that long and hard to make up right...?


My soul then came back to my body as I wake up my my slumbering and looked uo at Len who seems to sighed in relieved

"MAN! YOU SURELY ALMOST MAKES MY HEART TO STOP YOU KNOW?! "he yelled and I blocked my ears with my hands " I heard that. No need to yelled in front of my face lenana" I said

"Call me that again and I wouldn't hesitate to forcefully takes your soul out of your body with a vaccum-"

"Btw.. Where's Piko-"


Len then yelled like a girl and jump over me like a Coward he is and hug me

"Ouh hey, it's piko :D" he said. Piko have unamused plastered on faces and rolled his eyes away "are we goin to lunch or you preferred to fast instead?" Piko asked

"Lunch?""ouh yeah I forgot to wake you up-" "WHY YOU FORGOT TO WAKE ME UP?! "I yelled to Len "BCUZ TEACHER DIDN'T ASK SO!"

"I swear i'm gonna go mad someday if you two are always like this"

"Piko, we are always like this. Does you lose you mind or something? "



At the canteen table-

"Len, what are you eating-"

"It's banana chips that my mom make no ,you may not eat it Piko" Len said as he kept on eating his banana chips and Piko being Piko, he doesn't that care as he slumped his hand inside the transparent banana chip packed and takes as many as he can

Len face was plastered with shocked face + angry as he turns his head iver piko and said "Do not shocked tommorow if you wake up from sleep and found yourself at hospital bed Piko"

"Hnmm i'm bored. Let's go 'pau' some others kids money" I demand as both of them looking at me "Already? "asked Len "yeah, I got nothing to do anymore" I answered

"Are you sure tho you wanted to 'pau' others kids money Period hair? Last time we did, we're almost get caught " said Piko and Len nodded at the statement "Yeah, if that happen again, I wouldn't want to hear a mouthful of nagging was fed into my poor ear by Rin"Len said Piko then look over Len "Eh, why Rin-San would do that? "Piko asked "She hold school reputation and my family's reputation Piko. Just like your brother Kuro and others smart students in here"

"If you guys didn't want to, then fine. Not like I care" I said as I standing up and walk away from them as I go to behind the school that I called it as my place

As you can see, there's no-Oh. There is.

I slowly walked there and pushed that person off as they falls on their butt and looking at me

"P-please! No more! I'm so sorry! I swear I didn't take your book! I swear!" He cried that that when I saw his face. If you don't know who he is, he's Hibiki Lui. A boy that are always misunderstood for being a girl

"Ouh.. You.. Lui.. Am I right? " I asked as he stopped crying and looked up to see my face and back to crying "AH FUKASE-KUN! I'M SORY P-PLEASE DON'T BULLIED ME! PLEASE! "

"I won't bullying you.. If you give me your money" I told as he quickly nod and give me his wallet "j-ust take these! I'm sorry that if it's not enough. I'm terribly sorry" he shouted. I swear to god, I suddenly felt bad for this lil guy

"Who did it? " I asked. "I-if I told his name-" "just told me you Coward.it is not that hard"I rolled my eyes .he then looked down and mumbled the name "y.. Yumma... "

Ouh.. That stupid senior. I wished that he just go hostel or something. He was such a bothersome

"Listen, do not come here ever again kay? Also, every-day, after lunch, straight up go to our gang"I told him as he nodded and I smiles "now, go meets my friend at canteen kay?" I said as he nodded and he starts to walk away and that when I turns around and see him

"Okay, what the hell is your problem Yumma?"

Stupid Tomboy! (Fukaflower)Where stories live. Discover now