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You walk into the canteen and stop and smile at Eddie who is now on top of the table. and robin might as well be talking to a brick wall

"As long as you're into band or science or parties or games where you toss balls into laundry baskets" Eddie practically screams

"Do you want something freak"
I swear to God I'm gonna kill him. But robin pulls me back

"Let go of me"

"Y/n hes not worth it and anyway don't you have to go and see if your boyfriend's alright "

"Oh fuck off"

Eddie sees me coming and he stands up and lets me sit next to Dustin and robin sits the opposite me "princess" I swear he knows how I feel when he calls me that

"Why thank you" and I mess up Dustin's hair
"YYY/NNN mum said you can't do that any more"

"Oh really did she now"
Robin kicks my leg from under the table and points to Eddie. I turn to look at him and he's smiling at me. He's so cute.

I know it's short but yeh
I only just finished watching stranger things and it is amazing but Eddie on the other hand I my new comfort character. I will try and make the next part longer but I really do hope that this get views ❤


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