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Warm rays of sunshine shone on Seoho's face. Warmth. A feeling he hadn't felt in ages. The black-haired man didn't want to open his eyes, scared that if he did everything would be like he had left it or worse. How did he survive? He hadn't intended to survive in the first place.

The male gradually opened his eyes to see that he was in his familiar chamber. Nothing had changed except that the room was filled with people loved by him, it wasn't as lonely as it used to be. Seoho slightly moved his fingers and then his feet to check his weakened motility. He sensed a bandage holding together his chest which was soaked with wound-healing balm.

"Guys! He's awake!" Xion's loud voice announced to the other four who were scattered in the room.


Suddenly, all of them were sitting next to Seoho on his bed. One took his hand, while another offered him a glass of water which he gladly accepted. Five pairs of eyes were curiously watching him. But there was another emotion in them as well; relief.

"Good morning."

"Never do anything like this again!" Hwanwoong scolded him. Seoho's lips curled up.

"Good morning?! We thought we had lost you." Keonhee declared with watery eyes. Was he crying? Seoho quickly sat up straight.

"Slow down, will you!? You've been unconscious for days and lost a lot of blood due to your wound!"

'What do you mean? Don't we heal quicker like we used to?"

"It means that we're all human now, we don't depend our thirst anymore. However, we're not monarchs anymore as well, we can live an ordinary human life from now on without Helios trying to ruin us. You've managed to trick Helios indeed. You saved all of us, Seoho." Hwanwoong clarified.

"Excluding yourself, huh? You were keen on dying but you, we, were fortunate." Keonhee remarked.

"What about Nara though?"

"She needed some fresh air that's why she's outside in the garden." Leedo was the one to reply.

"Hey! Seoho! What do you think you're doing?" Leedo inquired when Seoho heaved himself up, ready to leave his chamber.

"Let him go." Youngjo said and grabbed Leedo's arm before he could stop their friend.

The first steps were a struggle, but he quickly became the master of his numb body again. Walking as quick as his stiff legs were taking him, he hurried down the stairs to enter the garden.

There she was standing. Daydreaming while scanning the city from afar. Her brown her was floating in the mild wind that Seoho felt on his skin. Her arms were crossed, but he could tell judged by only her posture from behind that concern was eating her alive. Seoho cleared his throat to announce himself.

"I'm fine, Keonhee. I've told you several times I just need some time alone, I-" her words were cut off as she saw not Keonhee but Seoho in front of her when she turned around "Am I dreaming?" She rubbed her eyes and her opened mouth turned into a startled smile as she realised that Seoho was truly standing on his own feet again.


Nara didn't move, she couldn't. The male however opened his arms and approached her while tears were escaping her brown eyes. Then she tightly wrapped her arms around his waist while her head rested in his chest. Seoho put his right hand on her head, stroking the back of the female's head while his left hand was holding onto her waist.

He was alright, he was alive and he was right here with her.

Merely his presence was enough to calm Nara down. It felt like just like they are hugging for the very first time again. A feeling, they had failed to appreciate all the times before. Now after everything that had happened, they aspired to never let go of each other again. Retrouvailles is what they felt in that very moment their bodies connected again, the feeling of happiness when meeting someone you love again after a long time. The couple's eternity apart had changed nothing.

"Ouch!" Nara stepped back as she seemed to have hugged him to tightly. His wounds were probably not entirely healed yet.

"I'm sorry!" she exclaimed with a shaking voice.

"I'm kidding!"

Seoho pulled her back into his embrace and locked eyes with her. While his eyes were teary as well, hers wouldn't stop watering. The male put his hand to her cheek and gently wiped away the tear that was rolling down with his thumb.

"It's over. Don't cry anymore, please."

"I'm sorry for not being there right when you awoke. I could no longer bare to see you like this. The horrible images of you almost bleeding out in Helios' chamber always came flashing back."

"I'm here now, love, and I will never leave again," He pressed another soft kiss on her forehead "I've promised you, haven't I?"

"You have and you've never lied to me," she said looking up to him "I trust you."

In the next moment, their sensual moment of reunion was turned over. Hwanwoong hastily entered the garden followed by the remaining four men. He yelled out,

"Group hug!"

Before the couple knew it, they were squeezed even tighter together by their five friends surrounding them. They were finally at peace.

To Be Or Not To Be || ONEUS' Seoho ffWhere stories live. Discover now