Chapter 10

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'So...' Maddie started as she walked into the dining room after finishing her lessons for the day. 'What y'all working on?'

'Finally getting around to framing the map that was found in the walls.' Bonham replied. 'Wanna join us?'

'Sure. Could use some fun after that math lesson. I'm pretty good at numbers but add letters into it...' She shook her head. 'And what is the point of y always looking for his x. Like, she's gone mate. Get on with it.'

'That's a good one.' Stella said as they all chuckled at her joke. 'How is getting caught up going?'

'Slowly. Trying to cram what, five years, of learning into one year? Let's just say that when I have to sit for SAT's, I'll have a good reason to stress about it.'

'I'm sure you'll do just fine Maddie if you put your mind to it.' Bonham said as he arranged the pieces of the frame together. 'Hand me that last piece, Augie.'

August quickly passed it to him. 'There you go.'

'You know,' Bonham remarked as he fitted the pieces in together. 'My daddy used to say that maps say more than they mean to.'

'Yeah?' Stella questioned. 'What do you think this map is saying, Grandpa?'

'Sure was dusty in them there walls.' August attempted an impersonation of a gruff male voice. 

They laughed, Bonham shaking his head. 'You're funny. He's funny. When did he get funny?'

'Oh, it's a rare occurrence.' Stella teased. 

'I guess so.'

Maddie watched them work for a little longer then headed into the kitchen to grab a drink of water. Abilene came in, carrying a huge plastic box. 'What are you working on?'

'Sorting out a giant-' She sighed as she lifted up a handful of tangled up Christmas lights. 'Mess.'

'Oh dear...' She chuckled as she placed the empty glass in the sink. 'That is a mess.'

'Yeah. Sure is.'

'Hey, you know the whole Davidson clan is away.' Bonham remarked, coming in to grab himself some more coffee. 

'Yeah, I know.' Maddie helped Abeline get one short cord untangled. One lot of lights untangled, a ton more to go. 'Colton asked me to feed and water the horses and goat while they're gone.'

'Meaning what?' Abeline questioned, glancing over at him for a moment 'You're gonna TP their house?'

'Oh, can we?' The teen asked mischievously.

'No, young rascal.' Bonham tousled her hair as he walked past, filling his mug from the coffee maker. 'But it means that I don't have to keep such a close eye on things. How about-' He sat down at the island bench across from his wife. 'An afternoon fishing trip?' He asked her.

'Bon, I've got a whole list of things I got to knock out today.' 

'Work-life balance. That's what my doctor always says. Besides, get the kids to do the work so we can have some fun.'

She held up the list of things she had to get done to make a point. 'The kids can't possibly do all of this. 

'That sounds like a challenge to me.' Maddie grinned. 'I bet we can do it.' She looked over at Stella and August who were finishing off the frame. 'What do you think guys? Reckon we can get this chore list done?'

Stella nodded. 'We can handle it, Mawline.'

'See?' Bonham questioned. 'Listen, they got to learn to have some responsibility at some point.'

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