Chapter 57

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There was no place on earth that felt better to be at then home.

It was such a welcome relief to be home rather than at the hospital with all the noise and the nurses and everything that came along with being in that kind of sterile, cold environment. Though home was only a rental for now since they had lost their land to the Davidson's, it was still home to Maddie. Home was where her family was, not the building they lived in.

When Cordell had taken her home from the hospital that day, a surprise had awaited her upon her return. They'd decorated the house with balloons and a handmade 'Welcome Home' banner that both Stella and August had made together. Not only was her whole family there, Geri, Captain James, Cassie, Trey, Micki, Mika, Rose and her parents were there too to join in on the celebration.

Knowing she had their support warmed her heart, she didn't have to go through this alone. She had her family and friends she could rely on to help her get through this.

After everyone had left and Maddie lay in bed that night, she couldn't sleep because of the thoughts whirling around in her mind. While she knew that her family would look after her and they'd assured her that they were happy to help her, she still couldn't help but feel like a burden. She couldn't even walk for Pete's sake, having to be carried to bed by Uncle Liam when her father had gone to walk Geri out. Abeline had to help her shower and change into her pajamas too, her body left so weakened from being in the coma that she couldn't even manage that simple task.

A single tear trickled down her cheeks as she stared up at the ceiling. She just wanted things to be normal again...


A week passed by and with it, the family having to adjust to yet another new routine and way of life. Now that Maddie was home they weren't spending all their time up at the hospital but had to care for her at home instead. Having her at home with the care that she required had meant that things changed, Abeline becoming Maddie's primary caregiver for the most part with the rest of the family helping out as much as they could to ease the burden. 

With how weakened her body had become she had physical therapy three times a week to help her start getting back to normal, Abeline and Bonham helping her practice her exercises in between her sessions. Slowly she was beginning to regain her strength though she still couldn't walk. That would take her time and a lot of it until she was strong enough to even think of attempting to walk. At least now though she was able to feed herself once again but was still reliant on her family for help with other simple tasks for the most part.

As they came into a new week, the Annual Ranger Community Fair came around. Deciding that it would be something fun for them all to enjoy, the family decided to make plans to attend and have a day out, Maddie looking forward to the event. After what they'd all just gone through, they sure did deserve to enjoy some fun.


'I wonder how much longer Dad is going to be...' Maddie remarked with a glance towards the clock as they waited for their breakfast Saturday morning at the Side Step. 'I'm starving.'

'You're always hungry.' August remarked teasingly. 'Patience Maddie.'

'Yeah-' Stella laughed. 'Cause you're one to talk about patience Augie.'

'What can I say? I'm a growing boy.'

'You'll be growing out, not up if you don't watch it.' Maddie said with a cheeky grin.

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