Camping with my idol crush 2

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Tiffany pov

We've all finished eating breakfast. When me and Lisa woke up this morning we were cuddled up with each other and it felt really nice. We haven't really spoken since then thought but hey it's only the morning.

Don't get me wrong it wasn't awkward or anything. I'm starting to have a little attraction towards Lisa but I don't know if it's because I'm a fan or because she's so sweet and charming.

I'm glad that Lisa is getting comfortable with me because she's starting to speak more than two words to me. Maybe she likes me too. Let's just see how everything plays out.

The show gave us all team hoodies to wear. Kang Daniel and Lay wore blue hoodies, Sunmi and IU wore red and lastly me and Lisa wore green. We all look really cute, especially in our group pictures. The host wore a black hoodie which was still cute but not as cute as how me and Lisa look in ours.

Lisa even helped me put my hoodie on which was cute, I didn't even need help she just did it. I guess she was just helping her teammate because she didn't help anyone else with theirs.

After we finished our breakfast. We all stand in a line. I stood in front of Lisa. The others stand In front of us in their teams. We're waiting for the host to tell us what we'll be doing next.

The host: right our first game of the day is going to be a solo game... are we ready?

The host says as we all cheer.

The: great... this game is a searching game, all over the camp sight our crew has hidden these yellow eggs which look like this...

The host shows us this plastic yellow ball.

The host: inside they're either points, special activities inside the egg for you guys to win or it'll be just be a dud egg which means the egg is worth nothing, they're a total of 20 eggs to be found.

We clap

IU: what kind of special activities?

We all were curious on what the host meant.

The host: like camping activities, special foods the winner of that egg can eat with a person of your choosing or go on your own.

That sounds cute if I win those I'll for sure pick Lisa but I hope she'll pick me, I see she's quite close with Lay and Kang Daniel but when she's close to Sunmi and IU I get a little jealous, I don't know why because we've only been here for less than 24 hours and I already feel like Lisa could like anyone but me.

Lay: I can't wait to win all the best prizes and points.

Kang Daniel laugh

Daniel: I'm sorry brother but it's solo competition that means the prizes are all mine.

Lay and Kang Daniel tease each other making us all laugh.

IU: you guys can also share these prizes it's the points you should be aiming for since you guys are last.

Me and the girls laugh along with the host as Lay and Kang Daniel roll their eyes.

The host: you have 20 minutes to search and when you hear the alarm that means times up and you have to come back here.

We all nod as we wait for our time to start.

The host: your time starts.... Now!

Lisa pov

I'm down by the lake. I've found 5 yellow eggs so far. They announced that they're only 10 left to find. We've only got 13 minutes left on the clock as well.

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