Ch. 2 Exploring the Depths

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Hello lovelies! c: Sorry I took so long to update this (if any of you are actually reading this) I shall continue! Enjoy! <3


They wandered down the same hall she came from. She almost told him, but then she stared at the dirt riddled and rust-colored floor. It seemed to be...wiggling. Like some squirming earthworm. Like the solid concrete was no more than a mere ripple in a puddle. Haiti looked up at Incision, who was looking just as puzzled as her.

"What...what is it?" she hesitantly spoke. He slowly pulled her back. "I'm not quite sure...exactly." Haiti looked at him quizzically, and then proceeded to take a step on the shaking part of the linoleum.

It seemed like a piece of wet paper, slowly falling apart as soon as enough pressure was added. Right down the middle, it was coming towards them. And she stood frozen in her spot, shocked in fear. And as soon as it was about to give way beneath her feet, she was brought above the floor. She looked up.

Incision was flying above her, staring straight ahead. "You just had to step on it, didn't you darling?" Haiti just stared at him in awe. He had wings. They weren't extravagant, or gigantic, or gracefull. They were jagged, torn, had glowing red marks in them, the lines taking shapes of what seemed like a bone structure.

And he still couldn't have looked more magnificent.

"Huh, so that's what it is." Incision's voice broke through her thoughts. She looked down and widened her eyes.

It seemed to be a grey river. Then she looked closer. It had...faces.

Haiti stared in shock. Making it out, it wasn't a river at all. It was an enormous crowd of ghosts. Grey, sorrowful, moaning ghosts. They all looked tortured, upset, and regretful. They seemed to be crying. It tore at her ears. "What is this?" she whimpered. "Its called the Missing Chamber. Its where all the souls that committed suicide go. At least, in more ways than one." She continued to stare longingly.

The ghosts all seemed to be staring at her, calling out for her hand, screaming for help. "Well, what are you doing? Can't we help them?!" Incision sighed. "You can't help someone who has already refused help and can no longer be helped, Haiti. It doesn't work like that." Tears swam in her eyes. Some of these souls...even seemed younger than her. Children. Poor children. "Incision, I want to go down there." He shook his head as he moved to keep flying forward. "No. We're getting out of here." Haiti shook her head furiously. "I'm going down there!" But he held his grip tightly onto her.

Then she remembered the letter opener in her pocket. She freed one hand and sliced him. He didn't seem in pain, and she knew he wouldn't be, so much as surprised that she'd stoop to something as primitive as causing harm. He staggered back in flight and loosened his grip. She pulled free and kicked away from him. "Haiti! No!" he screamed as she went barreling towards the river.

She braced herself for the feeling she'd get when landing in the crowd. Instead she was slammed into from the side, pushed hard onto a stone ledge right beside the souls. She looked up at Incision's lavender eyes. "You're not making this job easy, dear. I'm immortal. I shouldn't be dealing with this shit." Haiti scowled.

"Maybe if you hadn't been so stubborn to take me down in the first place..." Incision ignored her and proceeded to pull his wings back into his thin body. There seemed to be a crackling noise as his wings folded like an accordian, laid flat on his back, then sunk into his skin.

Then he put his hands on his hips and looked at her. "Well? What the hell was your brilliant idea when you got here?" She glared at him, even though he was right. She had no idea what she planned to do. 'Can...can I touch them?" Haiti whispered. Incision shrugged. "I dont' know. Can you?" Sighing, she stared at the large group. She then suddenly spotted a small boy, seeming about the age of 9 or 10. She slowly put a hand on his shoulder. He instantly whirled around, and she was taken aback.

His eyes were gone. There were only empty sockets. His head was shaven. And his neck seemed to be broken.

 She gasped in horror. "Hello? Can someone help me? I'm looking for my mother. She told me I'd meet her here. But I can't find her." His voice didn't even seem childish. It sounded terrified and echoed. No one noticed this poor boy calling out for his mother. She frowned. "What does your mother look like?" He frowned. "I'm not sure." And then, without so much as acknowledging Haiti anymore, he turned and sank into the crowd again.

Haiti shook, tears swimming in her eyes. Quickly wiping them away, she stared up at Incision, who shared her sympathy. "I told you they couldn't be helped, Haiti. They're stuck in a loop, trying to find the one thing they need to move on. Never seeking it, eternally searching for some sort of peace but never achieving it. It's why this is called the Missing Chamber. Something will always be missing." Haiti shook her head furiously.

"I wanna keep going." Incision lowered his head. "Are you-" She snapped at him. "Yes I'm sure!" He sighed. "Fine. Let's go." 

He wrapped an arm around her waist and stretched his wings again, and they soared over the forgotten souls, and went deeper into the chasm. 


:DDDD What'd you think lovelies! :3 I hope it didn't weird you out or confuse you <3 I love you all! I will update more tomorrow! *kisses* ENJOOYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! :3



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