Rooftop Mishap | Chapter 8

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TW - Trigger Warning, Proceed With Caution


Jung Hoseok chose to clear his mind during lunch. He decided to head to the rooftop of the school. What he didn't know was that someone else also planned on going to the rooftop during lunch.

Hoseok turned around and saw the cute boy from earlier. It caught Hoseok's attention when the boy talked.

"It's funny, isn't it?" he said

"What is?"

"Do you ever just-" and the boy jumped off of the roof

Hoseok acted almost immediately, running through the school and to the principal's office.

"Principal Min!! A student just jumped off the roof, call the emergency services!!"

The assistant principal called emergency services while Hoseok led the principal outside

"Do you know who the kid was?" The principal asked, fearing it was his own son, Min Yoongi

"I'm not sure, I haven't talked to him, but apparently he tried to kill himself before and was gone from school."

They made it outside, and they ran over to the boy laying on the ground. They turned him over, the principal gasped. It was his son

He called his two soulmates

Hoseok grabbed Yoongi's hand and held it.

"You need to stay awake. Why would you do this?" He asks

"E- everyone tells- s *Hiccup* me to do th- th- this, my mind t- tells me to d- do this. W- why not- t?" Yoongi says, tears in his eyes, he attempts to close them

Hoseok notices this, "Hey, hey, hey, hey, eyes on me, okay?" Yoongi nods

"What is your name?" Hoseok continues

"Min Yoongi"

Hoseok feels a burn on his skin, but he barely flinches... soulmates

"Hey, Yoongi. I'm Hoseok."

Yoongi flinches hard

"We're s- s- soulmates, huh, Hos- seok?"

"Yeah, we are. That's why you need to stay with me, okay?"

"O- okay."

Hoseok's head lifts when he hears sirens. Yoongi's parent's rush out of the school


"Hello f- f- family, this is my soul- lmate, Hoseok."

They all gasp, Hoseok sees the ambulance approaching

"You'll be okay, Dove. Stay with me, the ambulance is right here."

Hoseok was terrified to say the least

His parents try to go with him, "We're his parents," his mom says.

"I'm sorry ma'am, only soulmates are allowed to go with," the nurse states

They all look at Hoseok who doesn't hesitate to go with.

(Time skip because I'm lazy as fuck)

"Soulmate or family of Min Yoongi," the nurse called out. Hoseok stood up and walked over

"You can see him now, follow me."

When he arrive at the room he saw Yoongi staring off into space

"I heard that you didn't get very much more than a scratch and a bruise, how is that?"

"I fell into the bushes and rolled off, the wind was pushed out of me and I sprained my ankle, so I couldn't get up."

A doctor walks in, "How are we doing here?"


"Hello, Hoseok. I see you're healing."

"Yes," Hoseok said, Yoongi looked hella confused

"Oh, Mr. Min, Hoseok is in the hospital a lot. I've grown to know him quite well."

"I'm quite accident prone, Yoongles."


"'QuItE AcCiDeNt pRoNe...'"

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