Chapter 17 - Do You Trust Me

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It's a little while after the quidditch trails and the group all sit the Gryffindor common room. Hermione reads the prophet whilst wrapped up in Y/N's arms. Harry sits next to them whilst he scans his potions book. Ron sits on the couch eating the last of his toffees, pitching the wrappers into the fire whilst Flo reads her charms book at the other end of the couch. Jorden and Cal sit on another couch opposite them all, part taking in hushed conversation.

"Have to admit, thought I was going to miss that last one. Hope Cormac's not taking it too hard." Ron says and behind her book, Flo rolls her eyes. "Has a bit of a thing for you, Flo. Cormac."

"He's vile." Flo replies and Jorden and Y/N share a look but neither of them say anything

"Cormac's harmless" Ron says and Y/N notices Jorden sigh but she doesn't say anything.

"I have to agree with Flo on this one mate." Y/N says and Ron considers both the girls statements. "He's tried to get with Hermione a few times"

Hermione looks a little confused and gently places her hand on Y/N's in hopes to relieve the tension in the Ravenclaw girl. Cal however chuckles

"I think you and you and Jorden have made it clear that both Flo and Hermione are none of his business" the Slytherin boy says and Jorden grumbles

"Apparently not clear enough" Jorden says and Flo smiles at him

"Thank you for that concern Jord's. You're a good friend but please trust when I say I can handle Cormac" Flo says and Jorden sighs "alright"

The Hufflepuff nods "okay, but I'll be here if you need it"

Flo smirks "the help is always appreciated"

The group then talk in casual conversation with Ron glancing a few times across the room at Lavender. Y/N can Flo trying her hide her disappointment, focusing more on her book but the Ravenclaw can tell when her best friend is upset. Y/N then focuses her attention to her girlfriend as she reads quietly.

The Ravenclaw girl gently draws tiny circles on the fabric if her woollen sweater and kisses Hermione's cheek lovingly. The Gryffindor girl smiles at the moment of tenderness between the two of them, only for it to be interrupted by Harry nudging the Ravenclaw's arm.

"Y/N have you heard of this spell" Harry says handing her the book and looks to where the raven-haired boy is pointing.

Y/N studies the notation in the margin underlined three times: 'Sectumsempra. For Enemies.'

"No" Y/N replies "hey 'mione. Ever heard of this spell?"

Hermione looks the where her girlfriend points and frowns. "No I have not. And if you had a shred of self-respect you would both turn that book in."

"Not bloody likely." Ron says and Jorden nods

"Yeah they're practically top of the class. Even better than Flo and Hermione. Slughorn thinks they're both geniuses." Jorden adds and Hermione casts the Hufflepuff boy a murderous stare. "What?"

Hermione doesn't pay him no as she turns her attention to Y/N and Harry "I'd like to know just whose book that was."

"I've got to admit I'm a little intrigued myself" Flo says and Cal chuckles

"Of course you are Flo, you're a Ravenclaw" Cal replies and Flo scoffs

"Come on Callan you can't tell me that you, the schools potions protégé isn't slightly intrigued on who this book belonged to" Flo says

"I never said I wasn't" Cal says with a smirk and Flo smiles but rolls her eyes at Cal's antics

"Let's take a look, shall we?" Hermione says and reaches for the book in Y/N's hands.

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