Chpater 36 - Happy Birthday Y/N

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Y/N slowly stirs awake and rolls over only for her arms to wrap around a warm body, breathing in that familiar honey scent. The Ravenclaw opens her eyes, and as they adjust to the morning light, she sees Hermione sitting up against the pillows reading which tends to be a common scenario for the two. Honey-brown eyes meet Y/N's and the Gryffindor girl smiles sweetly, putting down her book on the nightstand.

"Hi there," Hermione says softly and begins to play with her girlfriend's hair, who hums at the feeling

"Hi" Y/N replies a little raspy due to just waking up.

The Gryffindor girl chuckles and leans down to kiss Y/N on the cheek. "Happy birthday, baby"

The Ravenclaw groans, realising what day it is and rolls onto her back. Hermione can't help but find her girlfriend's state amusing. "Please tell me our friends haven't planned any surprises for me"

Hermione grins wickedly and shrugs her shoulders "I won't say anything"

"I still don't like celebrating my birthday" Y/N replies and Hermione lies down next to her propping herself up onto her elbow.

"Well too bad 'cause I do, grumpy pants" The Gryffindor replies and Y/N scoffs

"Grumpy pants?" The Ravenclaw repeats cocking her head to the side with a quizzical look in her eye. Suddenly, Y/N moves so she's on top of Hermione and starts tickling her playfully "who you calling grumpy pants"

Both girls are laughing as Hermione tries to get the Ravenclaw off of her but of course, it was no use, Y/N was a lot stronger than her. "Y/N!" the Gryffindor says through fits of laughter but her girlfriend doesn't let up. "Okay okay you win, I'll stop"

"That's what I thought" Y/N replies and stops but still straddles Hermione's waist. The Gryffindor girl playfully smacks her arm in response "hey!"

"Don't be so smug" Hermione replies with a smirk and Y/N chuckles before looking at the Gryffindor girl with a playfully intense look in her eye

"You know how you could make my birthday a little more bearable?" Y/N says and trails her hands over Hermione's stomach, lifting the hem of her t-shirt up exposing the skin. The Ravenclaw kisses the smooth skin then as soon as Y/N was about to travel further, Hermione uses her foot on Y/N's chest to gently push her away from her panties.

"Not yet baby" Hermione says with a smug look on her face and Y/N groans as she falls beside her on the bed. "Good things come to those who wait"

"This day is going to the torture" Y/N replies with the biggest pout on her face and Hermione can't help but laugh. Suddenly the Ravenclaw's stomach starts to grumble loudly and the Gryffindor can't help but roll her eyes

"Of course, you're hungry" Hermione replies

"I'm hungry but not for food" Y/N sulks and Hermione chuckles running her hand down her arm before she gets up off the bed

"Come on time to get up and feed that stomach of yours" the Gryffindor replies

"No!" Y/N says picking up the covers and snuggling herself back into them "Five more minutes"

"Nope, not happening" Hermione replies and pulls the blankets off her girlfriend who shivers at the change in temperature. "I know you're using this as a tactic to stall"

Y/N finally sits up and sighs "It was worth a shot"

Hermione sighs breathlessly then gives Y/N a quick peck on the lips who seems to smile at the gesture. "Come on get up"


"There's the birthday girl," Ron says with a big smile on his face as he hugs Y/N tightly as she arrives in the kitchen with Hermione by her side. "happy birthday Y/N"

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