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Author pov -

Taehyung and y/n is waiting for Jin, jisoo and Mrs.kim to arrive . Y/n is very worried that what happen when his mother saw her here , she is become afraid of her again. Just then door bell rang and maid open the door . They saw they 3 coming inside . They come and stood in living room . Mrs.kim hid behind Jin . Y/n slowly whispered in taehyung ear -

Y/n - see I told you that I don't know why your mom is scared of me

Tae - shut up , mom come sit here.

Mrs.kim - no no she is here I will not sit here otherwise she will hurt me .

Y/n - mom don't worry I will not hurt you really . Plzz don't become scared of me .

Mrs.kim look at taehyung and he sign her that she is safe . She stood in front of her now . She is sacred of her little-

Y/n - by the way mom why are you scared of me do I done something wrong.

Jin - don't worry for some day mom will stay here so she will ok with you . By taehyung give mom medicine on time .

Tae - don't worry hyung y/n will do this duty very well right y/n . ok y/n now it's your responsibility to keep schedule of mom medicine on time.

Y/n - me how can I . I also didn't even know which medicine I have to give her on which time .

Jin - don't worry i will tell .

After that Jin tell her how to give his mom medicine on time . Amd jisoo and Jin leave for airport .


Next morning -

Taehyung is sitting in his office but then someone bark in and it's jungkook

Jungkook - I got to know something .

Tae - jungkook first of all where is your manners .

Jungkook - hyung it's not the time to talk about my manner . I got to know something about uncle killer background.

Tae - what with that ?

Jungkook - hyung I got know that uncle kim and that killer father is friends in past .

Tae - WHAT how this can be possible?

Jungkook - don't know hyung but one more think uncle kim broke his friend ship with his Dad for some reason and that reason no one no only that reason uncle kim knows after that in some days police also find his dad dead body .

Tae - dad broke many year friend ship in just one night but what happen to them that they did this.

Jungkook - I always thought that that reporter wrote articles for some name and money but no I think hyung he is seeking a revenge on you .

Tae - but how about that article which he wrote.

Jungkook - hyung if you don't have any problem so can we ask y/n that where Is that article he hide . I hope she will definitely knows it .

Tae - no jungkook did you think that If we ask she will tell us . No she is very stubborn , she will tolerate anything but will not tell us anything .

Jungkook - so what will we do hyung .

Tae - go check her house .

Jungkook - but Nonna will be angry and hurt . We can't hurt her feelings.

Tae - who care , I don't care go and check her house not even a single corner will gonna left .

Jungkook nodded and go out , tae smirk and thought what will happen when bastard will in his hands .

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