Chapter 1: Regret Is Like A Hunger That Can Never Be Sated

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Chapter 1: Regret Is Like A Hunger That Can Never Be Sated

The moon had dipped low in the sky, its silver light casting long shadows across the landscape. Above the serene forest of Aquarius, a golden dragon stretched his mighty wings, riding the currents of the cool night air. His stomach growled, the emptiness echoing through his scaled belly like a drum, reminding him that the hunt was not yet over. The treetops whispered secrets below as he soared, the leaves shivering in his wake.

In the distance, the dragon's keen eyes caught the glint of a castle, its turrets piercing the night like teeth in a fortress of stone. His mind raced with thoughts of the feast that could be found within such a bastion of human life. He knew these structures well; they were often bustling with activity and filled with the warmth of fires that promised a satisfying meal. With a rumble of determination, he altered his flight path, pointing his snout towards the castle's inviting lights.

As the gold dragon drew closer, the castle grew from a distant silhouette to a sprawling edifice, a bastion of safety and warmth amidst the cold embrace of the night. His eyes scanned the fortifications, searching for an easy entry point. The highest tower called to him, its open window a beacon in the dark. He descended slowly, his wings folding gracefully against his body as he approached, the winds whispering around the stones like ghosts.

Through the gap in the tower's curtains, a vision of beauty unfolded. An anthropomorphic unicorn with a coat as white as freshly fallen snow and eyes the color of a roaring campfire's embers was bathing in a large, steaming tub of stone. The flickering candlelight danced across her toned body, glistening off her wet breasts as she scrubbed under her arms. Her orange mane fell in wet curls around her face, framing features that could have been sculpted by the gods themselves. She hummed a tune, lost in her own world, unaware of the dragon's gaze upon her.

With a contented sigh, the unicorn pulled the plug from the tub, and the water began to swirl around her legs before gurgling down the drain. The dragon's heart raced as he watched the water level drop, revealing more of her sculpted physique. Humming a tune, she stepped out of the tub, reaching for a plush towel, its fabric almost as soft as the clouds he often lounged upon, and wrapped it around her head like a crown of fluff. As she bent over to dry her hair, her lithe body bent at the waist, uncovering two round, firm butt cheeks that jiggled slightly with each movement. They were the color of freshly fallen snow, and the dragon's eyes narrowed in hunger.

They were like two succulent slabs of meat.

Her humming grew louder as she vigorously scrubbed her mane, sending droplets of water flying in every direction like a rainbow of mist that sparkles in the moonlight flooding into the room from the window. The dragon's anticipation grew with each pass of the towel over her skin, his breaths coming in short gasps that fogged the chilly air around him. He knew that he had to act soon; his hunger was becoming too much to bear. The unicorn paused, her eyes drifting towards the window as if sensing his presence. Panic shot through his veins, and he jerked his body downward, hiding behind the wall under the window.

The dragon's heart pounded in his chest, each beat echoing through the stone tower. He held his breath, his claws digging into the stone as he waited for the unicorn to turn away. The candle's glow cast a warm halo around the edges of the curtain, taunting him with the nearness of his prey. And then, she did. She leaned forward, her towel-covered head coming so close to the window that the dragon could almost feel the heat from her breath. He waited, his scales bristling with tension, until her eyes slid past the spot where he had been moments before.

The unicorn, seemingly satisfied that she was alone, turned and padded naked across the cold stone floor. Her hooves clicked rhythmically as she approached the door, her eyes scanning the room as if searching for something she had forgotten. The dragon watched her, his gaze lingering on the sway of her hips.

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