a new beginning - chapter 1

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"Stacey! Are you up? It's 7:30." your mom shouted to you from downstairs, your mom was the type of person who's sweet one minute, but then the next she will hate your guts. She was a good mom, don't get me wrong. She bought everything you needed, and it's pretty understandable how she was towards you. You weren't really a planned pregnancy, and she wasn't all too thrilled about having a kid. "Yeah, yeah. I'm up." you shouted back to your mom. You got up, today wasn't going to be a good day.

 You weren't too happy about the fact that you had to move to Hawkins, you've never been there but from what you heard it wasn't the best place to live. Your dad had left to go be with some other woman and her family. Due to this, your mom went broke and your lives went to shit, so here you are, in Hawkins. You put on some baggy dulled out blue jeans and a tight long sleeved black shirt. You were atleast going to try to look nice. You made a small bowl of cereal, considering you weren't too hungry. Most parents made breakfast, but, your mom couldn't bother, but atleast she makes dinner. "I'm heading out mom." you shouted, wondering if your mom could even hear you.

You finally got to Hawkins High School, it honestly didn't look bad. You had like 10 minutes until classes so you walked to the cafeteria, which was where everyone was at. It looked like all the clubs sat together and the loners sat on the sidelines. And out of nowhere a jock bumped into you "Hey!" you exclaimed, he didn't even look back at you. What a jerk you thought to yourself. You looked around and saw a guy with curly long hair walking up to you,

 "Heyy, are you new?" he asked "Yeah, I am." you said in a confused tone "So you must not be in a club? What about joining mine?" he gestured to his table with his friends or clubmates, they were all looking. "What's it about?" you asked suspiciously. "It's just a DND club, you know? Dungeons and Dragons?" you nodded, 

it was that nerdy game your cousins made you play right?

 "Yeah, I've played it before with my cousins." you told the guy "Sweet! So? What do you say?" you thought for a minute, it'd be a chance to make new friends but they're all guys. It'd be okay probably, but you needed some time to get more options. "I'll think about it, but I want to see what other options are here." "Yeah, for sure. We're always sitting at that table, so just tell us when you make your decision." he pointed to his table and smiled. You nodded and walked away.

The other options didn't look to much better, they all looked mean. You walked up to the cheerleaders  "Um hi," you said to them "Yeah?" one of them said with a bitchy tone. That's annoying. "Is your club full?" you asked, they looked at eachother and then she looked at you "Yeah, sorry.." she said, you could obviously tell they weren't, the year just started. "That's okay" you smiled softly and walked away, when you tried to talk to someone they had that tone. You sighed and got a head start on walking to class, maybe that club was where you belonged honestly. They all looked like outcasts, like you are apparently.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2022 ⏰

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