Golden Child

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-April 5th, 09:00

Grace gripped the letter that Spengler had left behind, trying to discern some kind of location from him. Objects like this were good for divination, something that had a connection to the person that she was looking for. This would be a task made much easier had she not been dealing with distractions the entire day.

" You think she likes me, right? She's gotta. You don't just tease a man like that without any intentions, y'know? She's trying to give me some kind of hint. I think I'm going to ask her out today. "

The Slavic woman glared at Samuel. " Maybe she teases you because she thinks you're a loser. Now leave me alone so I can make something of this. "

Sam scoffed, placing a hand on his chest. " You've been staring at that thing for an hour now and you haven't come up with anything on it. You're better off speed dialing one of your supernatural buddies and have them take a look at it for you. "

" The supernatural exists everywhere. Maybe if you didn't have your head in your car all the time you'd be able to find it before it struck. "

The redhead crossed his arms, leaning against the refurbished Ecto-1. " I think the real reason you've been looking at that thing all day is because you've got a thing for Kylie. You've been so upset about her barking at you that you want to make it up to her by finding our guy...isn't that right? "

Grace glared at Samuel, poking his chest. " You don't know a damn thing about me. "

The redhead tilted his head at her. " Neither do you. "

The hazel haired woman crossed her arms, pulling out her egg shaped stress toy and gently crushing it. Her eyes darted around the room, trying to find something to look at other than Samuel's stupid face. She noticed the door to the garage had been creaked open ever so slightly when she knew they closed it at night. Someone was listening to them. " How did you even meet those monsters anyways? "

Grace shook her head, trying to clear it. " I needed a rock to lean on...just went looking for one in the wrong places, after a while, one monster was all I needed to get to know all the other monsters. "

She gripped the letter as she felt a surge of supernatural energy all of a sudden. " There's something going on downtown...tell Kylie to get ready. " Grace said, walking over to grab her jumpsuit.

Samuel performed a fake salute as he walked on over to the door backwards, still facing the Slavic lady. " Aye aye, cap'n. "

He gracefully turned around and opened the door to find Kylie was already heading to the garage apparently. She awkwardly shrugged as she looked at him. " I was trying to get into contact with Janine with no are you two getting along? "

" Look, Kylie...I know we're supposed to be good guys and all, but she literally went behind our backs the same day I said we couldn't trust her. I say we cut our losses with her, kick her out. "

Kylie shook her head. " I know there's good in her. And even if there wasn't...would you seriously rather have her running around the streets with a monster of the week or in the backseat of the Ecto-1. "

" Besides, look at her now, she's practically harmless. "

Grace had suited up and looked at herself in the mirror, she had expected the jumpsuit to be uncomfortable, but to her surprise it was actually pretty well fitting. She didn't look too bad either, she thought she'd look like a plumber but she was actually quite cute. She spent a good amount of time looking at herself in the mirror while she waited for the others to get ready.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2022 ⏰

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