Rejoice! I Am Armati, Thy Deliverer!

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A man sits on a throne in an endless expanse of land that stretches for miles and miles. No vegetation grows. No animals roam either, save for the barbaric supernatural beasts that roam the lands. Fortresses and buildings of war are erected all throughout, to give places for the savages to destroy one another, to plot, and congregate. If one is to look beyond what the naked eye can perceive, they would see that this land is surrounded by a large barrier, one that separates it from the rest of all manner of civilization.

A petite, scrawny creature approaches the enthroned man. At first, he appears to be human, but this messenger possesses two horns upon his head. His hair is curled, and black as the night sky. His upper body has patches of brown hair upon it, while his lower half is like that of a goat, completely covered in fur. The man he beseeches is shrouded in the darkness of his palace, only ever revealing a pale hand that occasionally reaches out to the messenger in gesture. Even this hand can only be seen by the dimly lit flames that are seldom found in his fortress of fear.

The satyr bows. " My liege, the mortal known as Spengler continues to search for the location of your kingdom..."

He stares at the ground, his eyes are wide, the endless tiles of black marble fade into a deep void to which he seeks escape. Each breath he speaks is annunciated with a deep breath, as if it may be his last. He is paralyzed by paranoia and discomfort at his shrouded master. " He must be...eliminated, then. We cannot allow him to find this place, not before the iron veil is lifted..."

His voice is like a tendril that bores into the soul, pressing deeper and deeper into it. When he finishes his speech, the sensation is not akin to a large weight lifted off of one's self, but instead, the pulling of the tendril out in a painful manner.

-April 3rd, 14:12

Kylie had been thinking about the old days for a while now. It was something only natural when an era came and went. Paranormal sightings had decreased beyond hoaxes that were designed to get people some clout. With this, the Extreme Ghostbusters had disbanded over time. Eduardo had ironically went on to become the owner of a flower shop, Garrett was an announcer for several sports blocks, Roland went on to be a mechanic, and Egon still kept at things. After letting his guard down after the disbanding of the original Ghostbusters after the quiet period they enjoyed, he believed that it was only a matter of time before they returned once more. Janine was on and off when it came to helping out, as she did have reservations beyond the life that she and Egon had. Although, they never stopped loving each other despite their distance.

She approached the old firehouse in hopes of finding Egon. The night was almost pitch black, and yet there wasn't a single light inside of the area. The sapphire haired woman quizzically looked at the building for a moment. This was weird, even in the early morning Egon was working on something. The Ghostbuster alumni knocked on the door for a moment, but it was to no answer. She knocked harder until she had enough. She proceeded to try and open the door, and it flew right open. It wasn't locked. She could smell alcohol from the inside, as well as something else, something rancid. Spengler wasn't one to indulge himself unless Janine goaded him into doing so, he wasn't used to fun, and even he was having a good time, you'd have to be a Sherlock to figure that out.

Upon seeing the interior, she realized that the entire building had been ransacked from inside. Papers were strewn across the floor, furniture was tossed and broken, and dirt littered the area, everything that lay before her was indicative of a struggle. Kylie gingerly closed the door behind her. " Egon! " She shouted out, trying to figure out if he was still here.

There was no response, none other than a sound coming from the bathroom. It was a shuddering sound, like feet skidding against the floor. She raised an eyebrow as she followed the noise. She placed a hand on the doorknob, and gently twisted it open, slowly but surely giving her a glimpse of what was inside: nothing.

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