Chapter 1

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Hi! It's me Spirit! Obviously, but okay so here is the game plan, my little ones. I will be try to update every chance I can and i know that i make some grammar errors, but who doesn't? So if you see some weird words, don't worry your beautiful little minds, I shall fix it as soon as I am able too. Also, as it says says in the tags,this story will be have mature language and sexuality, but don't worry about reading anything sexual for right now. This chapter doesn't even have and actually fangirling moments in it yet.( Above is Virgo)

Okay now for some simple rule before you read the this story.
1- Hate is allowed towards me and my story, but I don't want to see and mean words towards another person who commented.
2- Feel free to ask anything about me or my story here and I will answer. Okay enjoy the story!!

P.s I am fixing things as I go, please work with me <3 I will be trying to make sure i have at least 2-5 chapters updated weekly. I'm not working yet so i have the spare time. once im working again this will change <3


                      I wake up from my usual headache, to someone banging on my bedroom door. I crawl out of bed  holding my head and look at the clock, 4:27 am. I open my door snarling. " What the Bloody hell do you want at the ass crack of dawn" My vision was slightly blurred from sleep, but I was able to make out the form of my father, I whimper slightly and look at the floor in submission.

            " Sorry " I say softly and hearing him grunt, annoyed. " Get yourself showered and ready for the ceremony. You'd better find a mate tonight, if not , you might as well find a new pack of be a damn loner." he growls as he pushes me against a wall, his breath reeked of alcohol.

                          I wanted to fight back, but instead, tears pricked my eyes and I had to look away from him. "Okay" I say gently and he lets me go and heads downstairs growling about something. I sigh, looking around my room. I go into my closet and look around for a nice dress to wear. I groan, knowing I wouldn't have such luck. I have never owned a dress, which meant I would either have to go shopping or ask father if I can wear one of moms.

                       "Mom..." I say gently and sit on the floor with my back against the closet door. I missed her so much,even after what she tried to do. Sighing, I got up and left my room and went downstairs, seeing my father waiting in the kitchen, bottle in hand.
He glared at me, seeing that I was still in my PJ's. " Virgo, you have 10 seconds to tell me why you aren't dressed and getting ready for tonight" I lowered my eyes to the floor in submission. "Sorry , But I don't have any dresses..." I say softly. " V, look at me" he said softly, which surprised me, looking at him, his eyes look bloodshot from lack of sleep. " I kept your mother's stuff in the attic" he grunts, taking another swig and headed upstairs. " I'm not sure if you will fit into them, but feel free to look around.... " he mumbled as we entered the attic. My eyes widened as I say all of her dresses hung on the wall, but only one caught my eye. " What about this one?" I ask softly and pull it gently from its hiding place. It was short white strapless dress. " Your mother made that one herself. She never wore it though, she always though that she wouldn't look right in it." he says and a slight smile tugs at his lips.

                    " Can I wear this one." I ask and look at him, waiting for an answer. " I am more then sure your mother would want you to wear it" he says and heads back downstairs while I run to my room with a small smile on my face.

                  I got into the shower and when I was done washing my hair and had shaved my legs. I stood there enjoying the hot water while I could. " Virgo, get you ass out of that shower and get yourself dressed and ready. It's nearly noon" my father yells and pounds on my bathroom door. " 'lright,'lright! I am getting out now" I say sighing and turn off the water, shivering slightly as cold air hits me. I opened the curtains to find my father standing, there glaring at me.

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