Chapter 31

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I woke up at two in the morning and almost screamed. I had relived everything, and it had been terrifying.

Danny woke up immediately and sprung to my side. "Hey it's okay." he whispered.

I pulled my knees up to my chest. "Danny I just realized something. Vlad wanted me to escape." I looked up to see his surprised expression. "If- if he hadn't wanted me to leave he never would've let me go. He's smart. He wouldn't have underestimated me a second time. Plus I must've been a really slow flyer with the condition I was in." I looked down at the ground, "I just wish I knew what he did to me."

"We'll figure it out don't worry." Danny whispered. He put his arm around my shoulders and gave me a one armed hug.

"I'm going to go out for a little." I said standing up and transforming in Red Shadow, and before he could say anything I jumped out his window and into the night air. It was pretty warm out and the town seemed empty. The peace and quiet felt amazing. I felt like crazy testing my speed and doing flips. I felt so calm I almost couldn't believe this was real. This whole half ghost thing had so many cons but the pros of it were amazing.

I had also thought up a way to not end up in the hospital with my parents not freaking out about me coming back. But I would need Danny's help.

By the time I flew back into his bedroom it was 6 am and almost time for the last day of school.

I landed silently on the end of his bed and sat down not wanting to wake him up yet. I just zoned out until I heard someone push open his door. I almost fell off his bed backwards. Luckily it was only Jazz.

"Cari? Shouldn't you be in the hospital?" she asked in a somewhat shocked tone.

"Uh ya about that" I said avoiding eye contact.

"Well just be out of here before Mom or Dad find you." She said with a half-smile.

As she went to head for the door I jumped off his bed ran over to her. "Uh here." I handed her the pajamas Danny had lent me I wouldn't need them if I was planning on being in my ghost form for quite a while. Is that weird?

"Oh thanks." she said as she took them.

"Ya Danny gave them to me last night. I needed to get out of that hospital. But don't worry I figured out a way to sort out that whole thing."

"Uhh okay." she answered sounding unsure.

I just then I realized what this whole thing could possibly look like. "Ohmygosh no this this isn't what it looks like. See I slept on the floor over there." I pointed to the blanket on the floor " And I wasn't even here most if the night I was out flying and-"

Jazz cut me off by putting her hand on my shoulder "Hey calm down" she laughed quietly, "I know you wouldn't do anything like that." she then walked out the door and I let out a nervous laugh.

Danny's alarm clock went off a few minutes later. "Good morning." I said as I threw some clothes at him "I have an idea and I need your help"

"Well I'm hoping you will tell me this idea after I'm fully awake." Danny answered eyes held open.

"Nope you just have to listen. I figured that if we over shadowed some of the doctors we can make it seem as if they released me and that that one nurse was just crazy."

"Maybe, but what about your parents?" He asked as he pulled on his shirt.

"Ya this is my least favorite part. We are probably going to have to over shadow them too." I then turned around so he could change his pants.

"That does seem like the easiest way to clear this up. Probably not the best idea but I got nothing myself. So ya your plan sounds good."

"Oh I also wanna go to school today. I actually kinda miss going."

"Well if you feel up to it go right ahead." Danny said as he headed for the door.

"Ok I'll meet you in the hospital in 10 minutes."

"I'll be there." Danny answered

As he walked out I flew out the window and headed for Amity Parks Hospital

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