The start of many changes

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Yedam laughed along with Yoshi as they listened back to the voice recordings of their own voices. They were trying to record a song but were failing miserably. They had been spending the past hour at the school library, trying to finish some recordings so they could download files.

"At this rate I don't think we'll get anything done. Let's just call it a day!" Yedam said after his laughing calmed down. Yoshi nodded and turned the computer off. "We should eat something. Want to come to my house and have dinner?"

"Sorry I told Asahi I was going to his place after club." Yoshi smiled. "Aw. You should bring him over! It'll be a good chance to get close to him." Yedam looked a bit disappointed by the statement.

"I know..but Asahi is still really shy. He always panics whenever I ask him to hang out with you and the others." Yoshi frowned. "Oh. Does Asahi have bad anxiety?" Yedam nodded. "Yeah he does. Do you know how long it took me to get close to him?"

"I remember. You would always come complaining how the cute guy in your class didn't want to talk to you." Yoshi said, chuckling slightly. Yedam blushed, looking embarrassed. "Yeah well that guy is my boyfriend I think I accomplished something amazing!"

Yoshi smiled. "You wanna get going now? Club hours are over anyways." Yedam nodded and started packing his things away. "Speaking of club...Doyoungie didn't show up today. And Junkyu hasn't shown up in a week."

"I think he's taking the breakup really hard."

The day after their breakup, Jihoon was the one to inform everyone about it. He said it as calmly as he could, though his friends were able to catch onto how upset he truly was. Jihoon didn't badmouth Junkyu at all, just saying that things hadn't worked out.

Junkyu didn't say anything, knowing Jihoon had said enough. But it wasn't enough, because the three of their friends were left confused. They weren't sure what had happened between the two that led to a break up that clearly left the two broken. They were both clearly struggling with their feelings.

Jihoon tried to act normal, like his usual energetic self. He wouldn't talk to Junkyu much though, conversing with him as little as possible. Junkyu was the same in return. It was a little awkward when the whole group was together. Yedam and Yoshi tried their best to get rid of the awkwardness.

Junkyu didn't seem to be doing too well. It had only been a week since the break up, and he was the quietest ever. His friends had never seen Junkyu so quiet. Yoshi especially was able to feel Junkyu's saddened energy. Jihoon was able to hide his so much better.

"That makes sense. I wonder what was so sudden." Yoshi sighed. "I'm not that surprised. Remember they would fight nearly everyday? I kind of expected something like this to happen. But I didn't expect them to act so weird around each other after."

Yedam shrugged. "I don't know. It kind of hurts to see them like this. But hey at least Doyoung has a chance now right?" Yoshi's eyes widened. "You're right! I completely forgot that Doyoung has a crush on Jihoon!"

Yedam was about to excitedly respond but an unexpected voice interrupted him. "Doyoungie has a crush on Jihoon?" Yoshi and Yedam turned their heads in shock, seeing Junkyu standing behind them. Yedam's eyes widened.

"Junkyu!? What are you doing here?" Junkyu looked tired and sad. "I was working on club stuff upstairs with Mr. Yoon. He said that you guys were uploading files here so I wanted to see."

Junkyu bit his lip and looked down at the floor. Yoshi and Yedam both knew Junkyu felt nervous and anxious. "You actually showed up to club today? Why didn't you say anything?" Junkyu shrugged.

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