1.1 Red

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There are lots of places you can wake up and go, "I can see how I ended up here." Well let me tell you from first hand experience. Hurtling down on a planet at ludicrous speeds in a metal coffin is not one of them. For a certain definition of coffin at least. I'm pretty sure I am the metal now. Well to be more exact. A planetary annihilation commander. A robot with the power to generate matter and energy Ex nihilo. I'd insert maniacal cackling. But my current body is incapable of doing so.

I could see it through the sensors on the outside of the drop pod. A blue marble. 70% water. Inhabited by a bipedal species of hairless primates.


The cradle of humanity. And according to this body's database. Very very extinct. But also very clearly not. Seeing as I could see lights from the dark side of the planet.

And according to my calculations I would be landing in the Antarctic circle. And also... I would apparently be crash landing... Fuck!

Ok! Ok! How do I fix this!?

Calculations flashed through my mind. At the speed I was moving the impact would cause tsunamis that would wreck the world and melt a large portion of the ice caps. If I pushed all my new body's power generation into the small thrusters I could probably slow it down to a smash through the nearest glacier...

























'HOLY SHIT BALLS! Oh... FUCK YEAH! I'M ALIVE! Honestly, I thought I was dead there for a second.' I wipe my non-existent brow with my large fabricator cannon. 'Fabricator cannon?' I stare at the massive metal appendage for a second. 'Ah... that explains some things. But it also brings up some questions... ANYWAY! Moving swiftly on from those existential questions that ask some sketchy things about the nature of reality!' I slowly emerge from the watery crater I put in the local glacier. My massive metal form slowly reveals itself to the world! 'BEHOLD ME SQUISHY ORGANICS! FOR I SHALL BE YOUR NEW RULER! MWHAHAHABAHAHAHAHAHAH!' Or at least that's what I would have said if I had a mouth. Or a speaker. Or whatever the progenitor equivalent is. Speaking of progenitor tech. I swiftly explore my database for all that sweet juicy war machinery. Fabricator. Metal extractor. Energy generator. Radar. Sonar. What... THAT'S IT!? WHERE ARE THE GUNS?! OR THE LASERS!? WHAT KIND OF CRUEL JOKE IS THIS!?


This is fine. I can work with this. No need to worry... You know... unless I find another commander. But what could the chances of that be...

So how does it go again?

Somewhere on an ice sheet, a commander builds a metal extractor.

So step one! Economy! That's been sorted out for now! My sensors picked up a few areas that work as metal deposits! And I'm happy to announce that they are all now occupied by some extractors. Power was also pretty easy to set up. I just built some generators with some space between them.

But now comes the hard part. You see. A commander such as myself is supposed to have access to an entire database of designs. All much superior to anything I could build. Sadly apparently in the shoddy landing my database was heavily damaged. Insert much swearing.

Luckily for me! My database still had a pretty good designer with a built in simulator. So now starts the hard work!

Log 1.

I have come to a conclusion. I have no idea how buoyancy works... Not that, that is going to stop me! Also there is now a brick at the bottom of the simulator and I don't know how to remove it.

Log 2.

I now have an understanding of buoyancy! Let the boat construction begin!

Log 3.

I made a working boat! Well... for a definition of working... and of boat... But I made a fabber that can float and build! So that's progress I think.

Log 4.

I don't know how guns work. But I do know how railguns work. It's basically just two long coils with electricity flowing through them very quickly and launching a metal rod really quickly.

Log 5.

I have decided to classify railguns as a level nope weapon against squishy. For their safety...

How was I supposed to know a railgun with coils that long could turn a battleship into slag...

Log 6.

So! I have finally finished my first iteration of vehicles!

First! My naval fabrication vessel! They will be known as Archimedes! They are basically just a boat the size of a small car with a fabber, and a small power generator.

Then for combat I designed three designs. First of the combat vessels is the Shiv! A small ship that uses a big central turbine and some spikes on the front to ram into enemy vessels.

Second is a carrier vessel called the School. It's a big arch with pontoons on the sides. The arch is lined with fabbers and it works as a mobile sea factory. And in a pinch it can make Shivs at a ridiculous speed.

Finally my last vessel is called the Kraken. It's a submarine with grasping tentacles and a beak railgun. It grabs onto enemies, bringing them into contact with the railgun. Then the railgun destroys whatever the Kraken grabbed onto.

And so! With my new fleet of vessels. I set off on a mission! Expand my economy! My Archimedes immediately set off to build Sonar stations and build more metal extractors.

And so they continued for about 2 days. And in that time my metal production increased to about 10 times what it used to be. It would have been more, but I had to avoid more frequently used shipping lanes.

Satisfied with my economy, I decided it was time to finally get around to figuring out what was happening on earth. So I connected to the internet! Or make that internets... What!? Why are there three separate internets!

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