1.2 Lights

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Okay so it took me a day to decipher, but it would seem that I was on the earth from the Red alert series. More specifically I was in the timeline where the third game took place.

So the reason for three separate internets was because of the inter-faction politics. Can't have the people reading enemy propaganda and rebelling. Thus three internets. And reading about the world from any of them seems to instill a different bias. Thus I have elected to not use any of it and just go off of memory! So!

This timeline is one where Einstein assassinated Hitler with a time machine! Thus Germany never started the second world War! Russia became a superpower in the east. This more powerful russia invaded Europe. The US politely asked them to stop or they would go to war. Russia respectfully told them to shove it. And thus started a new war between the superpowers of Russia and America. America was winning and in a desperate attempt to grasp at victory made their own time machine. The Russians then used their time machine to assassinate Einstein! Adding a new superpower to the war retroactively. The empire of the rising sun.

Catch all of that? Yeah me neither... But that's what happens when you use time travel to kill a time traveling killer.


Anyway! Back on track. We seem to be early into the third game's timeline. Russia is still occupying most of Europe and the Empire hasn't invaded Russia yet.


Now the big question is! What should I do? Can't exactly approach any of these people. They're all nut jobs!


WHAT THE HELL KEEPS PINGING ME! Oh, it's a metal extractor? What's wrong? What do you mean someone is touching you?

Ivan Parchenkov

Stupid fucking military beurocrat bastards. Go to the Antarctic they say. Go make sure there are no American troops, they say. Well now look at me. Freezing balls off in a snowy wasteland. And no American in sight. What bullshit.

"Ivan! Come inside! You will freeze to death up there!" Comrade Kurknik said from inside the hammer tank. "Da! I'm coming! Just checking to see if we missed anything! Can't see shit through the optic!" I assured him. After all, even if it's a shit job, I need to make sure we do it right. Don't want to do this shit again. I shake some snow off my coat and look around one last time. And again. Nothing. Fucking waste of time and resources.

Wait. What was that... "Kurknik! Turn forty degrees right! Take us there! I think I see something!" I hout down into the tank. The engine sputters and growls as we start closing distance with what I saw. It took 5 minutes for it to come into easy viewing range.

It looked like some kind of massive factory hammer built into a tower. Its massive hammer going up and down. Like an oil pump jack. The design looked American. Some kind of Capitalist building. But what was it for? "Kurknik! Call command! We found something!" "Will do, comrade!"

We slowed the tank to a halt next to the building and I dismounted to get a better look. I wrapped the building with my knuckles. Metal plating. Thick. I can't hear if it's hollow. Must be important to have that much armor. I walk around to look for a door but find nothing.

"Comrade! Command says to head back to the outpost! They're going to send other people to look at it!" Comrade Kurknik shouts from the tank. I grumbled under my breath. Well at least the expedition wasn't for nothing. I mount back up quickly.

"Take us back to base Kurknik. Maybe we'll get to eat some good food tonight." And not even a moment after I say that I see it. A massive man. Easily 30 meters tall. Headlights in his chest and guns of arms. And worst of all. It is in the colors of America. "FUCK! Kurknik! Enemy target! 100 meters 20 degrees left! You literally can't miss it!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2022 ⏰

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