Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Holy motherfucking raptor Jesus on a pogo stick. Did I actually just do that?! Llama shit. Gerard is probably still standing there wondering what the actual fuck just happened. Hell, I'M wondering what the actual fuck just happened! I don't know what came over me. Hehe! Came. Seriously brain, if you weren't in charge of everything, I would stab you with a spork. I'm warning you. We gotta stay calm. Let Gerard think we actually meant to do that.

I keep strutting away like I own this sidewalk, even sashaying my hips a little bit (don't question my manliness. I can hear you questioning it, so stop) and I am just the picture of absolute freaking confidence. I think. At least that's what I'm going for. Knowing Gerard, he's probably still standing there recovering. Praise jebus for cigarettes. I just hope Gerard catches up to me and I can write this off as a joke, or even better, the sidewalk spontaneously turns into a black hole and I don't have to deal with this at all. That sounds awfully nice right about now. I try and curb my anxiety and relax my palpitating heartbeat all while trying to keep as physically cool as a cucumber in Antarctica. So far, it's not working out so well. My hands are shaking like crazy, and I think I had a tiny aneurism a second ago. I stuff my hands in my Anthrax hoodie to control the shaking a bit, and just focus on walking. Super-duper casual.

Behind me, I hear the rapid slapping of converse against the ground, and I stop and turn around. I'm greeted with the sight of Gerard doing his best to power-walk, and I'm pretty sure tomatoes everywhere are jealous of the colour of his face right about now. I suppose a major downside to being as pale as him is that any sort of increased blood flow makes him an unfortunate shade of crimson. I wave enthusiastically, and shout "Hi Gee! Having fun yet?" my nerves calmed a bit seeing him looking so adorably ridiculous. He sort of awkward jogs the few remaining feet between us, and immediately stops beside me.

"You..." his face has a mixture of amusement and concern plastered on it "I don't even... You sir, are one strange motherfucker." He states, nodding his head, his lips pursed together in straight line. That doesn't last long though, because before I can think of a snappy retort, a white and black blur of Gerard is scooping me up and tossing me over his shoulder fireman style.

"Gee! Put me down! What are you doing, you psychopath?!" I squeal whilst flapping my arms about, much like an octopus with ADD might. Don't ask me exactly what that would actually look like, but I know I damn well resemble it. I just love every second of this, don't doubt that for a second. His arm is wrapped gently but securely around my waist, and I can feel his shoulders rising slightly with every breath.

"Well I figured that much should be pretty straightforward. You said you wanted cake, but decided to sass away from me. I can't have the sort-of almost birthday boy run away and give me no reason for cake, you know!" He says, as if it were the most obvious thing on earth. If my face weren't currently having a lovely get together with Gerard's lower back, I know I'd be able to see the devious smirk on his lily-white face. "If you promise to behave yourself, I'll put you down. Do we have a deal?" He asks. I exhale heavily in response and put on my best 4-year old pout. If I have any choice in the matter, I'll be staying a while.

"No. I like the view from up here. I'm staying. Screw you man!" I whine, trying to keep the smile from showing in my voice. I cling onto him with my arms and legs, doing my best octopus impression. With any luck, he might just leave me be for the sake of his beloved cake. Fun fact: Gerard really fucking loves cake. Really, really loves it to point where it might be slightly sexual. Concerning? Yes. Absolutely, a thousand times over, yes. Gerard is destined to be mine, so all wonderfully fluffy and moist desserts best back the fuck off. He'd kill for chocolate, but he really doesn't mind as long as it's lovely, delicious cake.

"But Frankieeeee, for the love of all things shoulderly, please behave. I can't hold you up here forever! My shoulder hurts from carrying your midget ass around." He pleads.

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