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Richard's POV

Driving home I couldn't take my mind off of what happened earlier today. As a husband, father figure to the girls and a grandfather to Sunshine my job is to protect my family. I'm started to think I'm failing at that since I couldn't protect Arielle. Vanessa noticed how tense I was and she grabbed ahold of my hand interlocking our fingers.

"None of this is your fault. So you can get that thought out of your mind Richard." She spoke caressing my hand with her thumb

"How can I? I made a promise to Sylvia, Robert, Louise and Melvin that if anything were to happen to them that I would make sure that I would protect those girls with every fiber of my being. Now here it is, I didn't keep that promise." I spoke

"Richard, what do you mean you didn't keep that promise?? You have protected those girls better than anyone I know. When Imani became pregnant, you were so protective, if she sneezed you were right there. You can't blame yourself for what happened to Arielle. It's not your fault. But what you can do is find the person who's responsible." Vanessa reassured me

"You always know the right words to say to make everything better." I told her kissing the back of her hand

"It's the reason you married me." She replied

"Yeah, but it's not the only reason." I spoke giving her that look

"I-" She was at a loss for words slightly punching me giving me a look and a smile.

"You know it's true, that's why you had no retorted response." I spoke laughing

We arrived home and I turned off the engine and just sat for a minute before I looked at Vanessa and spoke.

"I made the best decision when I asked you to be my wife. We've been through so much, from miscarriages, me getting shot and praying to God that I survived which of course he answered, a test of faith to our union. I love you with all my heart. I thank you for never leaving my side." I expressed to her a bit teary-eyed

Vanessa smiled as she wiped my tears. "Do you know why we were able to survive all those trials and tribulations? It's because we kept God in the middle we were destined to withstand and we made it through. Hence why we got this engraving in our wedding band: "RAFGODVLF"."

"Always keep God in the middle." We spoke in unison

"Come on, let's go inside and get some sleep. We'll deal with everything starting tomorrow." She said as we both got out the car and headed inside

We walked inside, I set the alarm and made sure everything in the house was locked and I checked the thermostat.

"How about I make us some tea while you go shower? I'll be up there to join you in a few." Vanessa told me

"Sounds good. I'll see you upstairs." I told her kissing her cheek

Omniscient POV

After making sure Richard was outta sight and listening to hear the shower start, Vanessa went to the downstairs closet where she kept a lock box that contained a burner phone. She grabbed it, powered it on, and dialed a number. Soon someone picked up

"Hey, I know this call comes as a surprise but we have a situation." Vanessa begin talking

She explained everything she knew as quickly as possible.

"I'll have more details for you soon. But you have to promise me that you will not blow your cover." Vanessa pleaded to the person on the other line

She ended the call. Turning off the teapot and let the tea bags steam as she went to put the phone away and walked upstairs to join Richard in the shower.

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