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Nothing but shots rang out as shell casings fell to the ground. Vanessa placed the gun on the table and then removed her protective glasses, headphones, and earplugs from her ears.

"Damn, Mrs. V, I know it's been a while since you've been in the game, but that aim is still strong." Frank Jr. spoke

"I told you, son, this lady is the best I've seen in years. One would think that Richard and I taught her, but in reality, she taught us. Hi Vanessa." Frank Sr. spoke, kissing her cheek

"Hello. Thanks, Frank; although I am a little rusty, I did well." I replied

"I'm not sure how I feel about this, Ness; if Richard finds out you're back in the game, he'd skin me alive." Frank Sr. spoke

"That's why we won't tell him until after things are over," I spoke

"But he's my frat brother. You know I can't keep a secret from him. Besides, you never told me why you came back. I thought I told you and Richard to leave here and live a peaceful life after we lost Robert and Melvin?" Frank asked me

"You did, and we did. But after what happened to Arielle, I needed to come back. Just this once." I told him in a somber tone

"Vanessa, what happened?" He asked in a severe tone

"Can we talk in your office?" I asked him

"Sure. Jr! Make sure you guys clean up these shells. The kids should be arriving soon for boxing lessons. I don't want them to see this." Sr. told him as we walked to his office

He walked in behind me, closing and locking the door. He sat at his desk as I sat on the couch.

"Before I tell you this. You have to promise me that you won't say anything to Jr. You know how he is about the girls." I begged him

Frank sighed and thought about what I was asking of him.

"Please, Frank!?" I pleaded

"You have my word." He finally spoke, looking me in the eyes, and I knew he was being truthful

"Arielle was raped," I told him

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" Sr. yelled

"Can you not be so loud!?" I replied, looking to make sure Jr didn't hear us

"Where was she when it happened?" He asked me

"She was on her way to Imani's for dinner. She was leaving from picking up a bottle of wine when she was grabbed from behind and dragged to an alley behind the buildings. When it was over, she said the guy told her, "You can thank Imani for this." I summarized the story for him

"Does Brandi know?" He asked me

"Yes, she cut her vacation short and flew back home. Listen, Frank, I feel that the girls have a sense that something is going on with me, but not this. If Richard finds out I am back to my old ways, he will kill the both of us." I told him

"They won't find out until we catch this bastard. I'll make sure of that. Are there any leads so far?" He asked me

"Not much. Of course, we know he knows Imani, but we are not sure in what capacity. We were thinking about an ex, but we know Imani does not stray from the deep chocolate brothers." I explained

"You're right about that." Sr agreed

"The only thing that Arielle could tell us is that he's white, but he could be Italian or something based on how he spoke," I told him

"Well, I'll have my guys keep an eye out for everybody; of course, it won't be obvious." He told me

"Brandi has planned the family a trip to Turks and Caicos. We leave tomorrow. We'll be gone for about two weeks," I told him.

"Well, I'll send some of my best guys there to watch over you guys. At the same time, they guys and I will keep a watch out here. Don't worry; they won't interfere; you won't even know they're even there." He told me

"Thank you, Frank. I appreciate it." I told him

"Vanessa, we're family. There's no need to thank me." He replied

*phone rings*

"Oh, it's Richard," I told him before answering the phone

"Hi, sweetheart," I spoke

"Hey babe, is everything okay? I see you turned off your location, and that seemed strange." He replied back

"Yes, everything is fine. My phone had some kind of update last night, which messed up some of the features. I'm leaving the store now from getting it fixed." I told him, praying he believed me

"Oh, okay, I understand how these iPhones can be. How long will it be before you get home?" He asked me

"I should be there in about 20 minutes. I have some last-minute packing to do. Also, the girls are coming to the house tonight since we're closer to the airport." I told him

"That's fine with me. Since we leave tomorrow, I'll just order pizza." He replied

"Sounds good. But don't be crazy ordering all those sweets. You know how you and Sunshine can get." I warned him

"Yeah, yeah, see you when you get home. I love you." He told me

"I love you too," I replied before hanging up

"You better leave before he realizes you weren't getting your phone fixed. I can't believe he bought that crap." Sr laughed as I gathered my things

"I can't either. If you find out anything while we're away, can you contact me?" I asked him

"No, I will. Whatever information I gather can wait until you return. Don't worry, sis, I gotcha." Sr explained as we walked out of his office

"Thanks, Frank. Tell Jr I love him, and I'll see him when I return. I love you. Give Diahann my love." I told him as I left and headed home

I decided to give an update even though I know nobody is reading anymore😭😭🫠

Enjoy! Peace ✌🏾 ☮️ and Love 💜💕

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