•Chapter 1

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(You guys are stressing me OUT OMG ITS ALL OPTIONALLL)

🛑🛑🛑⚠️⚠️!!!ALL OPTIONAL!!!!!🛑🛑🛑⚠️⚠️🛑🛑🛑🛑

• you can have any kind of shirt you want, buttttt you have a black pleated with white😅

• you can have any kind of shirt you want, buttttt you have a black pleated with white😅

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(LMAO am sorry, I have plans ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )

•your hair is always in a low ponytail or just down (rn it's down)

•you also have a ring and bracelet 🙊
(Your choice of ring and bracelet)

•you have glasses, kinda the same as Athena but squared


I walk with my best friend, Athena! She has
gorgeous red hair that's always in a bun, glasses, and known as a nerd. We're not popular but we don't care! We've always been like this and we both agreed to keep it this way. It was towards the end of classes and we start heading to our lockers.

I notice that the three most popular boys in school were staring at us? No maybe just at Athena but still, uhm that's strange. I look at Athena and she looks at me, we're both confused and we both looked at them and they smiled and waved?! We decided to walk the complete opposite way but then Athena crashed into a locker!

I only hit the side of my nose, still what an entry. Her books fell and I helped her pick them up taking a quick glance and the boys who were talking. I saw Lucas looking at me but quickly looking away. What the heck? It was the first time in 2 years they'd noticed us!

"Seriously? Her, the nerd?"

"Well, she is cute. But are you sure she should be our new target? She looks too innocent."

"Heck yeah! Am gonna make her fall in love with me and win the bet! Get your ten million dollars ready losers."

"We'll see about that, but what about her friend?"

Tanner and Andre look at Lucas and then at each other. "Since you care about her so much, why don't you keep her" Andre smirked. Lucas rolled his eyes but didn't say anything. He just kept staring at the (h/c) haired girl.

"Are you okay? It looked like it hurt" I tell my friend, she looks at me and smiles "am okay, just got startled by the boys" I roll my eyes and help her up. "Ugh, what playboys. Let's ignore them and hope your not their next target" I say while giving her books back. We headed to class and agreed to meet up after class.

Time skip: after class (boring classes (_ _).。o○)

I get out of class and head to Athena's class, we have the same class next period, study hall. It's not too far but not too close. After a while I see Andre holding Athena! She had her books with her, as usual, but she looked squished. I sped run to her but just as I came she pushed him off. "Woah, easy their baby girl" Andre said putting his hands up. I scoff and Athena looks annoyed "I'd rather kiss a trash can by the way." She said, "what's the difference.." I blurted out. Athena smiled and grabbed my hand.

"Am sorry! Not really.. Sorry!" I yelled "I can't believe I said that," I say looking down "calm down, I would've said the same thing!" Athena said but just as she said that she almost tripped over a calculator which caused me to stumble too. Her books dropped and she bent down to pick them up, I was going to help as well but then tanner was there. "You should watch your step next time princess" of course. First Andre, aka the playboy who's dating half of the girls here! And now tanner, who has the most Instagram following. I bet Lucas is next right after this.

"Would you mind taking a picture of me for my insta?" tanner asked but before Athena could answer he pushed his phone to her and started to pose. I guess Athena didn't know how to react so she just put the phone down and we both just awkwardly walked away.  "Uhm, weird... let's just find an empty classroom to study in, we have a couple of minutes before it starts," Athena said. I found a dark classroom and I opened it.

Athena followed me and we both walk in. I walk backward and look at Athena " So you know why your-" I fell and landed on something or someone?! I see a boy and realized it was Lucas! He was sleeping, I got up and crouched while poking his shoulder. He woke up and gave us this handsome sleepy face. "What are you doing? This is our place" Athena scoffed. Lucas looked at me and quickly looked at Athena "oh sorry, I didn't see your name on the door" she rolled her eyes and helped me up. We were about to leave but then Lucas spoke and held me!

"Are you alright? I saw you fall" I looked at his beautiful eyes but Athena quickly slapped me out of it "she's okay! We're leaving"

I sped ran towards the door and left but I overheard and saw him hold Athena and said "we can share this room if you want" I saw a teacher go into the classroom and immediately regret not helping out my friend! The teacher kicked them out and yelled at them. Athena quickly ran towards me "I have to avoid these heartbreakers!" I nodded "I agree! They're called the triple threat for a reason athen"

922 words

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