Day Five

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I was woken up by being yanked out of my bed. I was confused for a moment, not understanding what was happening to me. I heard voices but I couldn't make them out. I felt arms around me, and then a blindfold was placed over my eyes. And rope was tied around my wrist, and I was over someone's shoulder before I could even scream. I tried to scream then, and then something was wrapped around my mouth. I tried to scream again but it was muffled. I didn't know who I was screaming for. My parents, where were they? What was happening, who had me, where are they taking me?

I smelled perfume, heavy and suffocating strawberry and lavender. Lindsay's signature scent. I heard her voice then, giggling to herself. A male voice I didn't recognize was talking to her. That must've been whose shoulder I was draped over. I felt helpless, kinda like a ragdoll as I was bounced around as the man that held me was walking. I wasn't sure where we were  going, but I knew when we were going down the stairs because I went up and down, up and down, flopping like a fish.

I heard the door open and close. I felt myself once again being placed into a car, and my adrenaline was in overdrive. Were they going to try to assault me again? Was this how it ended? Lindsay herself was actually here this time, so this had to be something grand. I tried to kick and flail around, my survival instincts finally kicking in. I was placed on a seat and a buckle went around me and clicked. I tried to wiggle around, but the seatbelt kept me firmly in place. The only thing I could move was my legs, and flailing them around did no good because I was just kicking the seat in front of me.

The car started moving, and I tried screaming again but it was really no use. I tried my best to wiggle out of the restraints binding my wrist together, but I was no James Bond. I was not the protagonist of some mystery or sci-fi or fantasy or whatever film where they were able to get themselves out of the restraints and then beat up the bad guys. In fact, if I was in a book or a movie, I didn't feel like I would be the protagonist. I feel like I'll be the antagonist. I mean, I seemed to get in everyone's way. Besides, I didn't  really have common sense, or good survival skills. I didn't really have any of the charming qualities that most main characters had. I was just kind of there, existing. I just kind of existed, I didn't have this grand purpose or anything like that. I was just Sam. I was just a girl.

My hair was messy, whacking me in the face I tried to move. It was irking me. Finally, I heard words that I recognized.

"Will you shut up,  Sam, all you're doing is wasting your energy back there." This was Lindsay's voice. Something rose within me then. I told her what had happened the day before. I told her the truth. I told her that it wasn't all me and I didn't deserve all the punishments. I had learned that I could trust no one but myself. I had learned that my life was messed up and that I was a terrible person and that my friends were terrible people and that my life was just terrible. Maybe she never heard that voicemail that I left her. Maybe she just didn't care and she just wanted someone to pay, and I was just the easiest target. Tears came to my eyes. I wanted to talk to her, I just wanted her to understand that I was truly sorry for what she had went through, but I wanted her to feel sorry for me a little bit, too. I mean, I kind of was a little bit of a bit dumb. I mean, I couldn't believe that Alex and Paige done all that to her and then blamed me. I was furious at them. Everything that was happening to me was because of the two people that I had called my best friends. The two people that I thought were my best friends. I just wanted someone to understand and hear my side. But no one could hear me except myself, listening to myself in my mind, screaming, screaming, wanting some type of relief.

I went completely quiet, completely still.  I couldn't think straight, or really even think at all. I wanted to scream and I wanted to cry and I wanted to fight for my life and I also just wanted to lay down and take whatever punishment the universe was going to give me. I didn't have much time to ponder when the vehicle came to a halt. I waited patiently, trying to figure out what was going to happen next. All of a sudden, I heard the door opening. I thought good, now I was finally going to figure out where they were taking me, what was gonna happen to me. But no one came for me. The doors opened and shut but they left me in there. I sighed against the cloth around my mouth. I tried to chew at it, but it was no use. I try to work my hands free, lifting up one, and the other. I try to get a grip on the knot by bending my fingers backwards so much that it hurt. I tried to move my eyes up and down, creasing my forehead and stretching out in hopes of moving the mask from my eyes. Maybe if I got out of this alive, I could see who my other abductors were besides Lindsay.

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