6. The Invitation

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It's a fresh week at school and Eddie and I have been hanging out all weekend, watching movies, cuddling, fucki...

I walk into my first period wearing one of Eddie's big old jackets over my crop top and mini shorts, as well as all of my jewellery.
I go in and sit next to Robin, but she's sitting with some others so I just awkwardly sit down next to her.
"Hey Robin," I say as I sit so she knows I'm there.
"Oh hey y/n! This is Steve and Nancy." She says.
They both introduce themselves properly and I do the same.
"Hi, I'm y/n. I'm sorta new here." I say while playing with my rings.
"I'm Steve, it's nice to meet you," he says while smiling and looking you up and down. That was weird but okay, I think to myself.

As the class ends everyone leaves to their next class and I say goodbye to Robin, Steve and Nancy. But when I'm turning the corner to one of my other classes I hear people talking... About me.
"Look Steve trust me I understand your feelings when it comes to that but she's got this thing going on with Munson, you're better off just being her friend." By the voice I assume it's Robin and I hid back behind the corner.
"You're probably right. For now. But let's head off to class." They leave and I'm left dumbfounded.
You know what, Steve agreed to be platonic so I'm gonna let this go and let myself forget it like my childhood, I think to my self, chuckling as I walk off.


I walk into the cafeteria looking for Eddie. I don't care if I was with him all weekend, I still somehow miss him.
I keep searching the cafeteria when I hear someone yell my name. I turn my head quickly to where the noise was from.
It was Steve. I walk up slowly to him.
"Hi," I say sort of awkwardly.
"Hey, you wanna come sit with us?" He asks as he gestures to Robin and Nancy.

Just like that Eddie runs up behind me and puts his hand over my shoulder.
"Sup Harrington." He says while pulling me slightly closer to him in a protective manner.
"Hello... Munson." He replies with a smug look.
It's silent for a few second's and I can't take it.
"I'll sit with you guys another time but Im gonna go with Eddie today if that's alright with you?" I say looking up at Steve.
"Oh yeah no, that's fine." He says looking slightly defeated.
Eddie gives him a little side smirk as Steve's about to walk away that you don't see.
"Bye Steve," I yell as we walk away.

As we're walking to the table Eddie moves his hand from my shoulder to the waist band of my shorts as he spins me around and kisses me passionately.
I can feel some people in the cafeteria watching but I really don't give a fuck. He's with me and I'm with him.
"Ugh get a room," one of his friends say.
"Get a girlfriend." Eddie replies as he leads my hand to the end of the table so we can sit.
"How was class baby?" I ask as I start to eat my food.
"Boring as usual, would much rather prefer to skip."
"But then you wouldn't graduate. And isn't 86 'your year'?" I ask cheekily smiling at him.
"Of course it is. That's why I didn't skip." He says while smiling back at me.

After I'm done eating and catching up with Eddie, he goes back to talk with the group. So I rest my head on my arms on the table to try to get some sort of rest before class.
Honestly that incident with Steve and Robin still sort of ran through my mind. I don't even see myself with Steve ever. I mean he's not to bad looking to be honest, but I'm with Eddie. And he's the love of my life. I could never get anyone better then this man because they don't exist.

"Hey baby, you okay?" Eddie asks while shaking me awake.
Without me realising it,  the bell for next period had started ringing.
"Oh yeah sorry I'm just really tired. I'm still sorta new here so I gotta meet to people still y'know?" I say while rubbing my eyes in a way the I don't smudge my makeup but it does help me become more awake.
"Ok, as long as you're okay. Shall I walk you to class?" He asks standing up.
"If you wish then I suppose I could allow you to tag along." I say as I stand up and start walking. Eddie rushes up beside me quickly.
"Ouch," he says grabbing his chest dramaticly.
"Oh get over it pretty boy." I say grabbing his hand in mine.

Once we're at my locker he starts talking again.
"Hey so there's this party tonight at someones house, I'm not sure who's anymore but everyone's gonna be there and I was wondering if you wanted to come with me princess?" He asks while facing me and putting both hands on my waist.
"Nothing would make me happier," I say as he moves his hands from my waist to my face and giving me a passionate kiss.
"See you at 8 my love. I'll come pick you up." He says giving me a quick peck on the cheek. Even that drives me insane. His lips are so soft and he always makes me feel safe.
"See you then." I reply admittedly staring as he walks off.

990 words
I might not be writing as much during the week days since I have school but I promise I'll write as much as I can. And make sure to comment! I love reading through your opinions and why you do and don't like!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2022 ⏰

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