marle yagami.

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Her name is officially Marle Yagami, and she is legally his daughter.

The process that went into making this happen was... complicated, to say the least. It's a little odd for a single guy in his late thirties to suddenly try and adopt a young girl with seemingly no origin or background. And really, there's no way to explain in legal terms that the young girl is actually an outer-worldly deity he met by being pulled from this world by an actual god and tossed into some other world to help stop a guy from stealing faces and another guy from erasing people from existence. Luckily, his own experience as a lawyer, as well as his connections to other lawyers, made it possible to hash something out. He can still hardly believe it, to be honest. He has a daughter.

A daughter who, right now, is sitting in a chair in his office eating a bento as he and Kaito discuss the details of their current case. She doesn't look like she normally does. Her hair is in dutch braids instead of its usual circular style, and there's no cloud floating above her head. Her dress is a simple pale blue, and she wears a white jacket as if to keep her from the cold. She looks just like a little human girl.

"Would you like my help?" she asks. "I could watch the client's boyfriend for you, if you'd like."

"'Preciate the offer, Marle-chan," Kaito responds, smiling at her like she's the cutest thing he's ever seen (which is true), "but this is our job, so we gotta put the work in ourselves, you know? Can't have you doin' everything for us."

"He's right," Yagami replies, smiling. "Besides, you're technically not supposed to interfere with mortals' lives unless it's absolutely necessary, right?"

"Well... I'm not not supposed to," she says, smiling. "But I understand. May I come along, at the very least? I like spending time with you."

"Yeah, you can!" Kaito says, before Yagami can respond himself, despite the fact this is Yagami's daughter. "We'd love to have you. Right, Ta-bo?"

"Of course. I'll warn you now, though. While they're a part of the job, stakeouts are pretty damn boring. You okay with that?"

"Yes," she says, nodding. "I like being with you, even if we're not doing anything fun."

Has he mentioned he would die for her? But then again, of course he would. She's his daughter.

"Yo, Ta-bo."


"I'm bored."

"No kidding."

Marle giggles from the backseat, where she sits next to the client. "It really isn't that boring," she says, teasing ever so slightly. "We haven't even been here for that long."

"Yeah, but you don't really get bored, do you?" he replies, turning to her and teasing right back. "Everything here is fun and interesting to you, yeah? I don't have that luxury. I'm bored out of my goddamn skull."

"I guess that's true! What shall we do, then? I'm sure there's something we can do that's fun for all of us."

"Hm..." Kaito thinks for a moment, and then whips back to Yagami. "Why don't you give us some trivia, Tak?"

"...Yeah, okay," Yagami says, eyes still fixed on the door to the fast food place their poor client's "boyfriend" could walk through at any moment. "Give me a second to think of something good."

"But that means I have to stop talking and let you think! How is that any better?"

"Um..." Their client, Keiko-chan, finally chimes in. "I'm not really in the mood for trivia anyway, so..."

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