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Kun immediately refused withoutany hesitation, pulling an apologetic yetsarcastic grin on his face

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Kun immediately refused without
any hesitation, pulling an apologetic yet
sarcastic grin on his face. This didn't stop
Ten however he continued to pursue kun despite him declining ten's request.

Ten urged Kun with a mocking tone evident in his husky voice, "Come on or perhaps you're merely afraid you'll trip over
your own feet."

Kun snapped his blazing eyes towards Ten in an attempt to shut down ten's words but he didn't even let kun utter a single word, kun opened his mouth and as if on cue, ten stated. "Wouldn't you like to prove me wrong?" With the other guests being captured by the small squabble, kun can't refuse ten now for it will be humiliating if he did - it will cause a dent to the reputation he has uphold thus kun placed a hesitating hand on ten's palm, feeling the slight calluses.

"Ill make sure to be the partner that exceeds your standards."

They walked hand in hand to the waltzing nobled that were breezing around, they melted into the crowd and matched the simple steps so they were in tune.

"Why are you doing this?" Kun spat as ten pulled him onto the dance floor. "Doing what exactly?" He smirked, twirling Kun's form at the exact climax of the music, "Asking me for a dance like we are strangers as if I don't know your plans or desires.!"

Ten looked at kun for just a moment before pressing his chest against kun's. Kun's first instinct to pull away was stopped by a firm hand on his lower back. Ten's lips came closer to kun's ear much to his dismay. "You clearly don't know my desires if this is a surprise for you." Kun's breath hitched, mind running wild for the meaning behind those words. He couldn't possibly have...

Suddenly Kun's body felt weightless as ten took him into a dip, kun's hand forced to grab at ten's neck to keep himself from falling. A chuckle escaped Ten's mouth as he pulled kun back to his feet, the music swelling as the dance became more energetic and passionate. Dancing partners twirling around and twisting in sync while kun tried to keep himself from falling.

 Dancing partners twirling around and twisting in sync while kun tried to keep himself from falling

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This whole chapter was inspired by something that happened at school once-

Also I'm sensing a wave of motivation to prepare for a double update

Also I'm sensing a wave of motivation to prepare for a double update

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