Chapter 2 - From HIS POV

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Flashback to 7 years ago

My phone keeps buzzing on the dining table as I run around with a frying pan in my hand. The bacon has turned into barbecue charcoal and taken the eggs with it. And of course the smoke detector refuses to stop blaring.

I dunk the pan in the sink and grab the ladder tucked behind the pantry door before turning the smoke detector off. I will deal with the rest when I get back home.

The missed calls and texts do not need to be entertained. I know I'm running late but I'll get there before my lecture is scheduled to begin. I'm visiting my university after almost a decade. The new chancellor wants me to give a lecture to a bunch of teenagers in need for motivation. I remember all the amazing lectures we attended when industry giants visited our campus. It was fun, at least for me. Most of my batch mates slept through the whole thing. I'm hoping to find some students like me.

The drive is more reckless than usual but I hate running late.

By the time I arrive, the impatient students have already started to use their backpacks and sweatshirts like makeshift pillows. I chuckle at the sight, not realizing that someone was strapping on an already active mic on me. This is going to be fun.

I step out into the stage and the students welcome me with loud cheers but I'm pretty sure half of them don't even know who I am. Introductions are long as the chancellor paint a picture of how this university aided my humble beginnings. And finally, I step on to the podium.

I choose to believe that my lectures are fun. 70% of the students stay awake till the end. That's a good number in my opinion. By the time the lecture is over, I'm surrounded by a small bunch of students who knew my work and decided to bring my recent book with them. I happily sign them and answer their queries. It's nice to see young minds taking keen interest in science and technology just as much as we did.

There's a girl sitting in the first row. I noticed her when I walked in. She hasn't left the lecture hall even after most of the students have left. I wonder what's going on in her mind.

"Hey" I extend my hand towards her and say "I hope you enjoyed the lecture. Do you wish to discuss something? Usually students staying back come with heaps of queries, which btw I'm happy to answer.".

She looks at me and then at my hand which is desperately waiting for a handshake. It must look so awkward. So I slowly take it back and stuff it into my pants pocket. This was embarrassing even for me.

"I-" she says but is interrupted by the chancellor who says "Stephany leave the man alone. You can torment your teachers in class. Come Jordan. We have some important things to discuss with the board.".

I look back at her and watch her head to one of the exits and disappear into the corridor. Wish I could talk to her. She seemed to have potential tucked in those delicate hands that held heavy books. Hands that tucked her hair gently behind her ears every time I looked at her during the lecture.

I really shouldn't be focusing on a student for anything other than imparting knowledge.


I head out with the chancellor who introduces me with the new board. They seem to have an opening but I politely decline. I wouldn't want them paying to retain me as a full time lecturer. They could basically upgrade the whole department with the salary they would need to pay me. Plus I can always come and help bright student in my free time.

I thank the board and the chancellor before heading out to the parking lot. There is so much to deal with at home. This is not how I imagined spending my birthday week.

JUST A TOUCH - PART 2Where stories live. Discover now