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The sigh of the redhead man could be hear. He just done finished pack his stuff into the spatial bag. He started to laying down on his bed and look up at the celling.

'In the next 2 weeks will be the ceremony day for King of Roan Kingdom birthday. Before the king finished his speech, there's an attack from the secret organisation that called ARM. They blew up the place with mana bomb and many people were injured including Basen. The book said it have about 10 mana bomb...i want to meet with Shickler - nim ASAP,but that will probably take me 3 days to get there. That can't be help i guess.'

Cale stare at the mirror inside his bedroom for an hour when a sudden knock could be heard from his bedroom door.

"Young master, it's me Hans. The lord asking me if you want to have dinners together later"

Yeah, that's right. It's almost night. The sun is already set. Cale himself didn't realise it's almost night. He's too busy to find his stuff and stuffed it into his spatial bag.

"Okay,and go away"

"Y-yes!" That's kinda shocking for the ginger head butler to hear his young master want to eat together with his family. Usually he will tell them to fuck off or go away,he will eat his food inside his bedroom.

After that, the ginger head butler started to walked off from his young master bedroom and head to tell the count about the dinner they will have later.

Cale who still looking at the mirror is still in his deep thoughts.

'I actually have a good-looking face,but why i still got no bitches?'

(Author: Stop! That's not what he supposed to say! Cut that shit! Start again!)

'maybe I'm gay?' that's what Cale thought.

(Author: I said stop that shit! This isn't the line he supposed to say! Cut! Cut! Again!)

(Cale: I'm tired already. Can u just fuck off and don't tell me what to do)

(Author: Ayo- wtf happened here? How is he able to see me?)

(Cale: I got byakugan with me bro. I can see your chakra)

(Author: Okay...for real. Cut this and start again. I'm already tired)

(Cale: Same here...wanna have some wine?)

(Author: ...sure)


Cale currently was walking to heading to the dinning room. The maid and butler who seeing their said trashy young master started to bow down their head whenever they saw him.

They were afraid oh him. There's so many people got injured whenever they pissed off the young master,and to not be the next target for alcohol bottle bowling, they need to bow down and being afraid of him.

Cale who saw some of them shacking like seeing a demon couldn't help but smile a little.

'At least they know how to show some respect in front of me' Cale know some of the butler and maid is talking bad behind him. They probably curse him and cheers the punk who beat him up before.

Standing Infront of door the ginger head butler open the door for him and let him enter the dinning room.

Cale standing in the dining room was being seen as a sinner. He watched everyone in the room watch him. The look in their eyes somehow felt like the judging one.

"Have a seat Cale"

That was count Henituse. He told Cale to have a seat. Count Deruth is known as the loving lord. He work hard too make his territory being better and known well in the Roan Kingdom.

"Thanks" Cale said that as he take a seat behind his stepmother, countess Violan.

Basen who hear his hyung just say 'thanks is widened his eyes. No, literally everyone who hear  Cale thanked is widened their eyes. The Cale and young master they known was rude and unpolite. This is their first time after a while hearing the only redhead in Henituse family saying thanks to someone.

Usually Cale will just have a seat and did not talked. He'll do whatever he like.

'Why are they act like that? I'm just saying thanks to my own father. It's not that weird isn't it?' Cale who sense the gaze of his family,maid and butler feel a little uncomfortable.

After the memory from Kim Rok Soo life being moved to his memory. Automatically Cale emotions and habits being replaced with his old one. Where  he didn't not like being watched. That's probably  one of the most thing he hate.

(Reader - nim: i mean who wouldn't? Duh)


Thanks to count Deruth all gaze from Cale go to his father, Deruth.

"Bring the food"

With that,all maids and butler bring out all food to stuffed it into the table. After finishing stuffed the table they started to eat.

Cale who eating the food did not like the food at all. It taste good but not good as his old chef.

'Damn,i miss his food already. If it's aren't for me to meet with that damn big fish,i will eating inside my bedroom.' Cale.was planned to tell his father about his journey to go meet the mention king fish after the dinner. If his father approved him,he want to go to there tomorrow morning.

'If father still did not let me leave tomorrow,i need to use my special card' Cale was smiling while thinking about the special card he will use to his father if he did not let he leave this place tomorrow.

Basen who saw his brother smile was lost at words. The fork he was lifting slowly fall into the ground.


Cale who hear the noise of something fall look at the said direction. He saw his stepbrother,Basen was looking at him for a sec and turn his head into the fork that already at the ground.

"I'm sorry" Basen

"You're excused" Deruth

After that that the fork being replaced with the new one by the maid inside the dinning room.

Henituse family who still eating was looking at their oldest born. Lily Henituse,the half-sister from Cale was watching his brother eating.

'Is brother Cale still hurts by that incidents?'

Lily is still concerned by his brother healthy. But was too scared to tell him that. She thought the older one might be pissed if she said that.


Again, that was count Deruth. He taking all attention in the room for a while and asked questions to his eldest son.

"How's the food?" Deruth


Cale who still eating slowly put the fork down. "It's decent"

"Good to know" Deruth

The atmosphere back to the awkward one. But before that count Deruth asked his son again if there's anything he want. Ain't no way his eldest son come here to just have dinner together.

"How's your body?" Deruth

"Good" Cale

"I see,is there anything you want?"

'That's what i want to hear from you,good.' Cale started to smile at these questions. That is the question he been waiting for.

"If i may,i want to have a chat with you after this dinners" Cale

"...sure" Deruth


Author: Hello! It's been a while since i continue this story. Sorry for taking it a while to update (ᗒᗩᗕ)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2022 ⏰

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