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Discord and Perseverance

Discord and Perseverance

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"Ugh..." your vision was blurry, nothing but light in your view. Then blinking slowly and shield your eyes from the orange rays peeking from the branches.

You felt sore all over, groaning lowly and sat up. Then realization hit you and glance around for your friends, specifically Darius. Standing up and ran around for the young boy, finding him still on the grass, unconscious or dead, either of the two options made you sick.

You didn't waste a second and got down to shake him. "Darius... Darius, wake up!"

Darius regaining consciousness as he blinks slowly, gasping and sitting up, worry in eyes when searching his surroundings, releasing a breath of relief when you were right there and alive...

Then cringing at the sight of the others recovering and feeling the same amount of exhaustion and pain from the nasty fall.

Brooklynn held her arm as she walked over, Ben sprawled on the ground, unable to get up from the pain and trauma. Yasmina was examining and checking on Sammy, if she was okay and got hurt from their rough fall. You pause from noticing a certain Asian missing...

A branch snaps and a twig fell next to you, then turn your attention to see the raven-haired teen in the tree. You sigh softly with relief and shake your head, all of you guys were still here and alive-

A roar was heard and caught you all on edge, Kenji nearly fell and grips onto the bark with exclaiming. "Where the heck is that thing?!"

"it's coming!" Ben whimpered as he started crawling backwards, hitting the trunk of the tree where Kon climbed down. The Asian eyed their surroundings for that abomination.

"Shh! it could be anywhere." Yasmina warns with her hand up, walking over to you and Darius.

Brooklynn beside Sammy, the blogger began to think. "The observation tower was that way? Or... was it that way I..." A sigh left the strawberry haired girl's lips in frustration as she pinched the bridge of her nose.

Gutierrez glanced down at her right pocket and lifted the phone of the strawberry girl, the screen slightly cracked but could still be used, nonetheless. But bit her bottom lip in hesitance since she knew the consequences, sighed lowly and shoved the device back in her denim jeans pocket.

A gasp left the young boy's lips when he looked down his slightly torn white shirt. "Where's-No, no-"

"Darius, what's wrong?" You asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"My necklace, I left it in my bunk!" The young boy sighs sadly, but as the monster's roar was heard again as you flinched in alarm, then moved back and closer to everyone else. Kenji glanced at the young boy, "We've got slightly bigger problems than that, dude..."

"We have to run. Now!"


ᴊᴏᴜʀɴᴇʏ ᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇ ɪꜱʟᴀɴᴅ (Darius Bowman x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now