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    If this is a film and television drama, it will probably play some lyrical music at this time, and then a few slow motions. Unfortunately, when the police arrived at the scene, there was no chance for Gu Bao to find out what he was feeling at this moment. Gu Bao and Shu Er, as well as Shu Er's accomplices and bodyguards, were taken away together.

    The Shu Er family's lawyer quickly arrived at the scene, Gu Bao was not injured, and was taken to a public place again, everything was a misunderstanding. The lawyer can speak well, and Gu Bao did not suffer any personal injury. After completing the transcript, he settled in private.

    Gu Bao originally just wanted to get out, not to file a lawsuit. During the period, Shu Er kept glaring at him, his eyes widened, and it seemed that he didn't want to let it go.

    He rubbed his stomach, which was burned by alcohol, and said sullenly: "Forget it."

    "Who said that?" A voice sounded from beside him, Gu Bao trembled, and someone came over and stood beside him , is not too far away.

    He heard Pei Ting talking to the police, and he also heard the other party bring his own lawyer to argue with Shu Er's lawyer.

    Shu Er stared at him like a snake, and hurriedly moved away. He didn't expect that the Gu family had fallen, and there was actually a big tree named Pei Ting behind Gu Bao.

    Pei Ting looked sideways and saw Gu Bao's drooping back of his head, under the tail of messy hair, the back of his neck went to the shoulder blades, all of which showed jagged lines because of being too thin.

    His eyes only paused for a while, and then moved away without any disturbance.

    It was very late when we left the police station. The night wind was slightly cool, Gu Bao was only wearing a thin shirt, and the front of his shirt was sporadically stained with wine stains.

    Just as he is now to Pei Ting, standing together, one is high-spirited and the other is in a state of embarrassment.

    I can't figure out why Pei Ting helped. They didn't have a good time when they broke off relations. Gu Bao, who has seen through the warmth of human affection these days, can only guess that the other party may not forget his old love?

    He secretly raised his eyes and looked at Pei Ting. The other side looked handsome and dignified under the street light, and the years have carved his lines into more and more outstanding, a perfect man of heaven.

    Looking at himself again, Gu Bao is going to be amused by his own guess. Is Pei Ting crazy? He has to remember the old love of the person he liked when he was young and ignorant, and he is afraid that it will be too late to regret it.

    Pei Ting didn't say a word, Gu Bao kept his eyes on his toes, and finally stood at the door of the police station, hesitantly said, "Mr. Pei." He couldn't figure out how to call Pei Ting, so he chose the most reasonable name. .

    It's shameless to call you brother, there is a feeling of taking the opportunity to hug your thighs, and it is impolite to call your name. Mr. Pei is very good and suitable for the current situation.

    Gu Bao: "Thank you for your help today, the lawsuit won't be needed." He knew that he didn't know what to do, so he quickly added: "I don't have so much money on me to spend with them."

    There is no time to borrow money everywhere . In vain, Gu Bao is a lot more cheeky now. If he used to be, he might not be so honest about his plight. Now that he can say it directly, it saves a lot of trouble.

    Pei Ting's lawyer bid farewell, leaving only the two of them at the gate of the police station.

    Gu Bao couldn't wait to answer, he couldn't help but looked up at Pei Ting, but found that the other party didn't look at him.

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