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Gu Bao had kissed, but only with Fan Jiao. Girls' lips are not the same as boys' lips. Boys' lips are more powerful, hot, active and strong.

At this time, Gu Bao couldn't even remember the comparison, he was almost stunned by the kiss. The intimate behavior, the blending of breaths, messed up his mind. He didn't even know when he was pinched on the waist and kissed on the head of the bed.

Gu Bao's taste was a little sweet, and his tongue was hot and soft. Like his people, it was Pei Ting who had been thinking about it for many years and finally got the satisfaction of the taste.

Gu Bao is Pei Ting's treasure.

Gu Bao didn't push him away, and even the slightly trembling lips finally opened after the initial tightness, responding to him tremblingly.

Pei Ting's eyes were red, he didn't want to do this step.

After a long kiss, Gu Bao's lips were finally loosened. He was breathing heavily, his cheeks were flushed, his body leaned weakly against the head of the bed, and in Pei Ting's lips, he sang the taste of wine.

The wine also seemed to have made him drunk, and he didn't need much strength on his limbs until he saw Pei Ting loosen the belt on his waist and abdomen, showing almost everything in front of him.

Gu Baose shrank, his eyes drifted, not daring to look at Pei Ting. His heart was beating so violently that he almost knocked out of his chest and rotted to the ground.

There was a strange smell in the air, heavy and strong, which was volatilized by the body temperature, covering Gu Bao.

His ankle was grabbed and pulled down. His pajamas rolled up, revealing his pale chest soon after.

The trousers were taken off at some point, and the thin white legs were lying on the sheets, so thin that one could easily open them just by holding the pink knees.

Getting Gu Bao may not be as difficult as he imagined, why did he always think it was so difficult before.

Pei Ting didn't make any more gentleman's inquiries, or in other words, he didn't intend to be a gentleman from the beginning. At the same time as he leaned down, Gu Bao's eyes widened and he let out a hurried scream. He had never experienced such a thing before.

He grabbed the sheet, and the light stabbed Gu Bao in the eyes brightly.

Gu Bao exclaimed, grabbed Pei Ting's hair, and forced him to lift his face. His waist and abdomen trembled, as if he had been burned by fire, hot and sore: "Don't...don't be like this."

Pei Ting licked his wet lips, and those lips were so bright that Gu Bao's heart died in shame in the ocean.

If Pei Ting was willing to listen to Gu Bao, he would not do such an excessive thing.

In the end, Gu Bao fell back on the pillow again, raised his cheeks, and bit one of his own fingers with short breaths.

Pei Ting seemed to know that he was shy and turned on the TV.

There is a professional food column on the TV, rock candy is wetly drenched on the tip of the strawberry, and the soft pink brush head smears the fruit body back and forth.

The host squeezed the strawberry, stuffed it into his mouth, squeezed the fruit body with his mouth, and fiddled with the tip of his tongue.

Alcohol was wrapped in strawberries, and the host who tasted the sweetness kept stuffing the strawberries into his mouth, like a greedy beast trying to swallow all the strawberries, even every drop of juice.

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