Chapter One

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A normal and peaceful day is happening inside Obelia Empire. Claude plays with Baby Athy alongside Diana in their Garden outside the palace. Felix watched over them smiling widely. Currently, Athanasia is 2 years old. And our baby Izuku is still inside her mother's womb.

Claude's POV

"Diana, how are you feeling lately about our unborn baby?" I asked my wife who is staring lovingly at their daughter. "Well our baby kicks a lot that's for sure," she said giggling about the fact that their unborn is somehow excited to come out. Diana is pregnant for 8 months now few more weeks and our baby will come out. 'I'm still nervous about the fact that our firstborn almost took her mother's life because of her mana, I don't want that to happen again' I thought to myself.
"Claude are you ok?" Diana asked. "Yes love" I looked at her but she saw right through me. "Claude what is bugging you you can tell me know," She said. I sigh and told her how worried I am about might losing her this time. "Claude I'm not gonna leave You, Athy, or our Baby ok? I promise" she said making my anxiety about my lover's being taken away slowing disappearing.


Diana is now in labor for our baby to be out. I paced back and forth outside the door. Many hours passed and the door opened for the physicians to tell the news. "HOW IS SHE AND THE BABY" I demanded an answer because panic taking over my mind. "Lady Diana and the baby are fine your Majesty" the physicians bowed while answering my question. "You can enter now your Majesty" I walked inside and saw the beautiful sight that I saw for the 2nd time. Diana is holding our baby in her arms safe and secured. "Claude look our baby is just like you, I bet he might have your personality," she said. I looked at her unamused by her statement. "We'll see when he grows up," I said."What should we name him?" She asked. "Izuku," I said "Izuku De Alger Obelia" I continued. "A perfect fit for our baby boy" Diana said agreeing with my statement.

Night fell into a comfortable silence looking at my lovely family. Peacefully sleeping beside me. 'I wish we can stay like this forever I thought while looking at them smiling a bit. Our newborn looks like me. He made me happy just by looking at his sleeping face beside Athanasia and Diana. 'They are my world yet how did I deserve you three?' I thought again. I slowly fell asleep beside my loved ones.


I suddenly got woken up by a shuffle on the bed. Rubbing my eyes slowly cleared my vision. My heart stopped when I saw a man holding izuku in his arm near the window ready to escape. Before I can even reach the man He jumped off and took our baby away. I dropped to my knees and cried silently for a few minutes, then I decided to look for the guards that are supposed to watch around the areas.

"Call Felix Immediately. Now" "Yes Your Majesty" the knight hurriedly runs to Felix's room. I can't think straight All is inside my head right now is how did that guy git inside the palace even if many knights are guarding around. It doesn't make any sense at all, how did he know about a new baby had been born!? We haven't even announced it yet. But here we are thinking of endless possibilities on how that guy discovered it. Around this time Felix now came into my view running toward me. "What is it your Majesty" "My son has been kidnapped want you to find my son at all cost. Search every inch of the empire if needed too. Felix gave me a shocked expression but quickly recovered " Yes your Majesty right away". He hurriedly went away to find the prince even if it is in the middle of the night. The prince is more important than sleeping. Then the word spread to the knights and begins to search. Diana is still sound asleep beside Athanasia.

The morning went on and Diana woke up looking beside for her not to see Claude and Izuku. She carried Athanasia to find Claude. But she found the hinge was stressed. "Honey where is Izuku?" "H-H-He got kidnapped last night" "WHAT!!" because of her shout Athanasia woke up and cried. After a few hours of waiting for the knights to report Me and Diana have been stressed about what might happen to our son. A knight came and reported that the prince was not inside the Obelia. "WHAT HOW?! ARE YOU SURE THAT BASTARD IS NOT HERE ANYMORE?!" I shouted because of pure rage. My son got taken away and now how will he survive? 'I hope you are ok my son' Diana hugged me to get some comfort. We both need it, especially Diana.


Izuku is now 5 years old. Being abused, neglected, and bullied. His adoptive family always takes their anger out on him. Toshinori Yagi, the father who he thought a loving and supportive. Because Toshinori and Izuku are blonde, Izuku thought that he was his real father who cared for him when was a baby. Izumi Yagi, she is Izuku's sister the biological daughter of both Toshinori and Inko.

Izuku Yagi is his current name right now. But that will change soon.

(A/N: Sorry about many time skips)

Izuku is now in school almost the end of the semester. Bakugo and Izumi always bully him because he is Quirkless, but instead, deep inside him, his mana can rival his Dad's Mana. Of course, he can glare like Claude but because the people around him judge him, he never tried flaring at them. He is like a fragile glass that breaks when not taken care of carefully.

(This is my first time writing so please correct me where my wrongs are. I'm not fluent in English it's only my 2nd language)

Izuku De Alger Obelia (MHA × WMMAP) CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now