18#Jungkook's birth day,and Chunhua arrives

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So he and Jungkook went to the city, and there Jimin set you a mensage telling that they were there. And the guys and you started organizing.

Seokjin - Hey (y/n), I bought the cake.

(y/n) - Great!

(y/n) - The melons and mangos are already being cuted up by Tae.

Hoseok - (y/n) I need your help!

(y/n) - Sure! What is it?

He was trying to decorate the livingroom with the ''Happy Birthday''s decorations.

Hoseok - Can you hold this part while I put this one up here?

(y/n) - Right.

Meanwhile in the kichen.

Taehyung - Hyung, I finished. I'll be putting it on the cake.

Seokjin - Alright.

Seokjin - Oh god, I still have to cut the vegetables, and meat and cook yet, and fry, and boil...

Seokjin - Uhm?

Seokjin - Where is Min Yoongi?

Taehyung - Dunno, hadn't see him either.

Seokjin - Hobi, did you see Yoongi?

Hoseok - He was in our bedroom.

(y/n) - Would he be sleeping by any chance?

Seokjin go in the room and see him asleep.

Seokjin - Yoongi, what you're doing? We need your help!

Seokjin - Can't you sleep later?

Yoongi - ...Ok, ok.

He slowly got up.

Namjoon - I wanna help too.

Hoseok - Don't think it's a good idea lololololol.

Namjoon - I really want to help.

(y/n) - Jin is really busy, it will be good if you help him. Just try to don't break anything okay?

Namjoon - Fine.

He comes to the kichen.

Namjoon - Hey Jin can I help you?

Seokjin - Oh! yes, unpack the meat and mix it with salad while I fry the nuggets.

A few minutes later Hoseok and you finished the decoration and went to the kichen too.

(y/n) - Oh my gosh, we have just one hour and half left, we need help the others.

(y/n) - How are you doing guys?

Yoongi - We still have a few things to do.

He says while eating the strawberry.

Seokjin - It's everything ok with the decorations?

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