Chapter 4 - The meeting

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So, it's been like five months, I know, ive been gone a long time, my life is hetic. Oh well. ANyways i'm updating now so yay!

Warnings: Bad language


The three of us walked up to the menacing building. I could see the words ‘Modest! Management’ in bold above the entrance and to say I was nervous would be an understatement.

“It’ll be fine honey”

“No, it won't dad, it's just gonna end up as all the other meetings do. We go, Simon is a dick-”


“That's my girl”

“Louis stop encouraging it”


“Anyways, Simon is a jerk”


“We get into a fight, pop storms out and we run out after him”

“I won't run off this time”

“Don't make a promise you can't keep”

Once we stepped inside we made a bee-line for the elevator and pressed the button. We got in and went up to floor 6, where the meeting would be held. As we walked down the corridor I saw my Dads join their hands. 

I smiled to myself, hoping that this hell would be over soon.

“Hello boys, darcy”

“Hello Simon,” I said with venom lacing my cold tone


“So why did you want to meet with me today?”

“Darc, you wanna take this one?”

“Well basically, I'm pregnant”


“Are you deaf?”

“Don't use that tone with me girl”

“You have no control over me or my actions now that I am 15, and legally can’t do anything to me or my family. If you do I will not hesitate to call my lawyer”

“Your lawyer is your father’s lawyer who incidentally, works for me”

“Actually Simon, I knew you would try to pull something, that's why I got a personal lawyer that works for a completely different firm.”

“Fine. Anyways, how could you let this happen?”

“Well Simon,” My pop said, now speaking up “She snuck out like any normal teenager and went to a party, some dickhead-”


“Sorry babe, anyways some guy knocked her up”

Simon grimaced at the use of pet names and I glared at him.

“Well, to proceed I think you should go on some pap walks with Eleanor, to buy baby clothes and stuff, you will go to the appointments with her and maybe Louis-”



“I said, no, I want my dad and Bre there and that is that”

“He can’t go”

“This is my child and my experience, I get to decide who comes”


“I have my lawyer on speed dial, also I want to go shopping with dad and pop, and maybe other members of the family like my Grandma’s and aunt Perrie”

“That will not do”

“Your attitude will not do”

“Control your daughter!”

“No” Dad finally said

“You will do what I tell you”

“Fine, Darc chill”


“Now, you will go out with the people of my choosing”

“And those would be?”

“Louis, Eleanor, Perrie, Granma Tomlinson, and Bre”

“Why not dad or Grandma Twist?”

“Because I said so”


“Excuse me?”

“Did I stutter?”

“You take that back”

“No, but first,  when does my parent's contract end?”

“13 months”

“So January 2023?”


“Okay, goodbye.”



“Darc wait up!”

“Fine,” I said as I came to a halt

“Darc you did not need to escalate that, we are disappointed in you”

“I’m actually quite proud”

“Louis I swear to god if you don’t shut up”

“Fine, i’m sorry”

“Thank you”

“Anyways, Darc we are dissapointed in you”

“It’s not my fault he’s a dick”

“Darcy Anne you better stop cussing or you won’t hear the end of it now get in the car!”

Dad was fuming so i decided not to push it, but still I did nothing wrong!


(At home)

“Darcy give your phone”


“Becase you’re grounded for your inappropriate behavior. And even though Simon is a jerck you didn’t need to escalate, you are going to be a mother and you need to be responsible now”


As i went to my room i was beyond angry

I didn’t do anything!

It’s all simon’s fault anyway.

As i laid down to sleep i started thinking about how much my life was going to change.

I’m gonna be fat and emotional and everyone is going to judge me!

I can’t even be open about my child’s grandparents!

I’m gonna have a kid! 

I have to respensable for this little life! 

I can barely even take care of myself! 

This was going to be one hell of a ride.


Summary: They had a meeting with simon, Darcy was rude so she got grounded, and we learned that Haz and Lou's contract expired in 13 months(Jan 2023)

I'm Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack. Hope you enjoyed this!

Bye lovelies!

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