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"I think Miles is cheating on me" I choke on my drink and start coughing. Alison pats my back and I take a deep breath, I wipe my mouth with a napkin mumble a thank you to Alison. "Why do you think that sweetie?" Mom asked with a concerned look. "Well last night his phone was blowing up and when he looked he smiled" Cora says. I keep my eyes on my plate and take deep breath from time to time. "I don't think so Cora, I think Elliot was texting him" Willow says. I silently sigh in relief. "Yeah, I can tell he loves you" Mom says with a smile. Guilt is now here, great...

I stand up from my seat and everyone looks at me. "I will be in my room, thank you for dinner" I say then quickly walk up to my room. I need to get my mind off that conversation and what happened last night. I grab a book, sit on my bed and start reading.
Few hours later my door opens and Serenity pops her head in. "Hey, mom is talking us girls to the spa! We won't be back for a few hours and dad has to work late again" She says. I smile at her. "And just so you don't have to be alone we called our boyfriends to hang with you like last night" She adds then closes the door. My heart flutters and I blush. "Great another night with the flirts" I mumble closing my book. I change into some sweatpants and a big t-shirt before I go down and wait for them. This is what it's normally like when all my sisters are here, mom spoils the crap out of them. Me and Dad don't talk a lot we aren't close like other fathers and sons.

I hear a knock on the front door and I open it. "Hey Pretty Boy! We brought ice cream" Micah smirks. I roll my eyes and move for all of them to come in. We sit in the living room eating ice cream and I must say I absolutely love ice cream. I finished mine minutes ago and Keith's ice cream looks so good. I crawl across the couch over to him and he looks at me with a small smile. "Can I have some" I ask. "You already had yours though" He says. I frown and lean closer to him. "Please" I beg. "Are you flirting just to get ice cream Dash?" Elliot chuckles. "Shut up!" I glare at him then turn back to Keith who has a small blush on his face.

I crawl onto his lap and the blush on his face darkens. "Just one lick" I ask. He holds up his ice cream and I take a small lick. I smirk grab ahold of the cone and quickly climb off his lap and run away with his ice cream. "Wha- hey!" Keith yells. "Thank you for the ice cream Keith!" I giggle. I sit next to Maddox and start eating Keith's ice cream, "that wasn't very nice" Maddox says taking the ice cream from me. "But I want more!" I say frowning. "That does mean steal someone else's" He chuckles. Keith stands up walking over and taking his ice cream back.

Maddox grabs my chin so I look at him and I blush. "You could've just asked for more" He says leaning closer to me. "But his l-looked g-good" I stutter. "Don't knee me in the crotch yeah?" Maddox smirks. I glare at him my face on fire. "It was an accident!" I yell. He presses his lips to mine in a soft kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him back. I feel hands grab my hips from behind and I yelp as they go lower to my private areas. I pull away and look behind me to see Micah. He grabs my chin and kisses me while Maddox moves his lips to my neck leaving open mouthed kisses.

I get hit with a pillow and Micah pulls away and glares. Maddox leans back a pleased smirk on his face. "Stop making out!" Miles yells throwing another pillow. I look at the other side of the couch and see Keith and Elliot blushing like crazy. "I'm tired" I yawn leaning back against Micah. He pulls me onto his lap and I rest my head on his shoulder, my eyes fluttering shut and I fall asleep in his arms.
Word Count: 759

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